Project acronym and title: ERASMUS+ КА220 SUDEM (SUstainable Disaster and Emergency Management processes digitization) - according to the grant 2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000159479.
Start date: 01.11.2023
End date: 31.10.2025
Partner organisations + Team:
- Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria) SRTI-BAS;
- Hochschule Offenburg (Germany) HSO
- İnformation Technologies B.V. (The Netherlands) CIT;
- Lviv State University of Life Safety (Ukraine) LSULS;
- Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (Türkiye).
- West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine) WUNU
- Generating a common European pool of adequately prepared disaster management experts of the future;
- By implementing the SUDEM approach - to reach a higher disaster management preparedness on a national level within the partner organisations and beyond - through digitization;
- Free access to the open-source learning platform will ensure the achievement of a broad impact among future, ongoing and current experts in the relevant domains;
- Reduce disaster victims
The main activity is the launch of a digital educational platform including relevant courses which will assist in reaching a higher disaster management preparedness - in HED and LLL. It involves the foresight analysis and development of a suitable curriculum as well as a feedback system serving as a means for the continued improvement of the courses. Additionally, communication and dissemination activities are planned so interested sides can track the progress and achievements of the project.
The most important result for this project is the improvement of disaster management preparedness, by the learning package envisaged. A consequent result of this will be the decrease of victims due to the betterment of many aspects and systems inside disaster management. Other outcomes include the increased digitalisation of this field and the improvement of decision-making capabilities, as well as the creation of a larger shared pool of highly capable European experts in this area.