Українська Англійська

Horizon 2020


In 2015, Ukraine became an associate member of the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation. This membership gave Ukrainian participants an equal status with their European partners, as well as opened opportunities to influence the formation of the content of the Program.
Horizon 2020 is the largest European Union Framework Program for Science and Innovation, with a total budget of around € 80 billion, for 2014-2020.

The program focuses on achieving three main objectives:
to make Europe an attractive place for first-class scientists;
to promote the development of innovation and competitiveness of European industry and business;
with the help of science to solve the most pressing issues of modern European society.

In accordance with these tasks, the Horizon 2020 Program is divided into three main areas:

  • Advanced science that is open to high-quality individual and team research projects in all fields of knowledge, including the humanities;
  • Leadership in industries that fund the development of new technologies and materials, including ICT, and space research; in addition, within this area, financial instruments are available for the implementation of innovation in small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Public challenges, with a wide range of research projects, from improving the quality of transport, food, health and safety to European identity and cultural heritage.
  • Every year, Ukrainian institutions and organizations take an increasingly active part in the Horizon 2020 program. According to the latest data from the European Commission, as of November 2018, 527 competitions were held. According to the results of these competitions (2014 - 2018) for 100 Ukrainian organizations participating in the program "Horizon 2020" (a total of 145 participation in the program) funding of 114 project proposals in the main list in the amount of 20.84 million euros, 16 of which are coordinated by Ukrainian organizations.
  • In total, in the period from 2014 to 2018, 694 Ukrainian institutions and organizations (1832 participating in the program) submitted 1434 project proposals

Useful links:

Horizon 2020 National Portal
Official site of the project "RI-LINKS2UA: Strengthening research and innovation ties of Ukraine"
Horizon 2020 page on the official website of the European Commission
Portal of participants in the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, CORDIS
Agreement on Ukraine's participation in the Horizon 2020 Program


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post