Українська Англійська

Training on military translation in Kharkiv

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Training on military translation in Kharkiv
Training on military translation in Kharkiv

Regular advanced vocational training on translation took place in Kharkiv. It was dedicated to application of English technical terminology in the context of humanitarian demining. Lviv State University of Life Safety was represented by Professor Bogdan Shunevych - Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Psychology and Social Protection.

The training course was conducted by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in the framework of the further support of mine action programs in Ukraine.

The course is developed by the GICHD together with the Danish Refugee Council and the Danish Demining Group. The purpose of the course is to create a group of expert translators who know special terminology.

Translators from the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the OSCE Special Monitoring Observer Mission in Ukraine (OSCESMM), the Danish Demining Group, the HALOTrust, the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine, the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action participated in the training.



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