EURO-MED-REACT Table-Top exercise finished
The main task of the second day of training is to work out the activation algorithm of the civil protection mechanism of the European Union in order to involve additional forces and means to overcome the consequences of "emergency situations" that occurred in the territory of Lviv region.
According to the tactical design of the exercises, the forces and means of Lviv division are not sufficient for effective localization and liquidation of emergency situations. In connection with the probable spread of the consequences of emergency situations to the territory of the Republic of Poland, the only correct decision is to involve additional forces and means from the European Union.
The development of similar algorithms for the involvement of EU civil protection forces and means is a particularly important and urgent issue in accordance with the wishes of Ukraine and the road map for joining the EU Civil Protection Mechanism system, which was provided on October 19, 2022 by the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Yanez Lenarchych To the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denys Monastyrskyi ( ).
The international training ended with the ceremonial handing of the certificates, which prove the active participation of the participants and a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the UCPM and the development of the TTX of the union mechanism of civil protection. The certificates were handed over by the project coordinator, the president of ICCSS, Ambassador Krzysztof Paturei.
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