Українська Англійська

LSULS Executives meet representatives of the leading Polish company «POLFLAM»

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LSULS Executives meet representatives of the leading Polish company «POLFLAM»
LSULS Executives meet representatives of the leading Polish company «POLFLAM»

On June 26, Lviv State University of Life Safety held a meeting of the University Executives with representatives of the leading Polish company “POLFLAM”, Roman Kazhmierchak and David Ulens. The company was founded in 1992, and specializes in production of fire-resistant glass for all types of internal and external applications (windows, facades, fire barriers, glass floors, stairwells).
In 2019, the company's enterprises located in Poland were acquired by the investment fund “Baltisse”, with the headquarters in Brussels, which allowed the company to become the principal EU leader in the development of the latest solutions in the application of state-of-the-art fire-resistant glass in construction.

During the meeting, the representatives of “POLFLAM” recounted the history of the company's foundation, the development strategy as well as the main objectives and priorities pursued by the company, namely, permanent sustainable development for the sake of future generations. One of the company's development tendencies is the establishment of close ties of cooperation with scientific and educational institutions in order to search for and implement up-to-date solutions in fire safety.

As a result of the meeting, the attained agreement is to conduct an international scientific conference on the basis of Lviv State University of Life Safety in the autumn, so that engineers and experts from the European Union and Ukraine could represent their accomplishments in the development of modern fire safety solutions for glass structures that are applied in the state-of-the-art architectural projects.


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