University cadets continue training at Fire University in Warsaw within ERASMUS+ programme

During the month's training in Warsaw, cadets Andrian Petrenko and Denys Kapustynskyi are mastering the courses ‘Combustion Physics and Chemistry’, ‘Technical Safety Systems’, ‘Vehicles and Emergency Vehicles’, ‘Disaster Medicine’ etc.
The representatives of the Lviv State University of Life Safety had the opportunity to learn about the fire fighting equipment used in the units of the Republic of Poland, its structure and practical application. In addition to theoretical classes, laboratory work in physics and chemistry and practical training in first aid were also held.
Bleeding control and initial examination of the victim were practised on modern dummies. While in the laboratories, a fire was simulated with subsequent prediction of the dynamics of smoke spreading under various conditions. The cadets were able to demonstrate their skills to their Polish colleagues and learn from their experience.
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