Українська Англійська

5th International Conference of cadets, students, graduates and adjuncts "Culture as a Phenomenon of man's spirit (variety and scientific thinking)"

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5th International Conference of cadets, students, graduates and adjuncts "Culture as a Phenomenon of man's spirit (variety and scientific thinking)"
5th International Conference of cadets, students, graduates and adjuncts "Culture as a Phenomenon of man's spirit (variety and scientific thinking)"

On November 21, the University hosted a traditional conference which is of great value to every nation, especially during a powerful process globalization that is spreading throughout the planet. And the meaning of this process is not straightforward, because along with the positive trends such as the extension of contacts, the opportunity to travel, live and work wherever one wants, to share theirs civilization assets and borrowing from others, it poses a threat of losing its national identity, originality, weakening of the status of some countries and especially those peoples who had a colonial past, the disappearance of some languages and cultures in general. That is why we believe that we must build a counteraction strategy against such trends, and this is an extremely important role to raise
the awareness of every Ukrainian of the great importance of our powerful distinguishing signs: languages, culture, national identity, because they will not allow us to become dust of history, and will help to elevate the fortress of our spirit. Representatives from eight countries took part in the conference and the idea is confirmed: the culture of every nation is its powerful security code. There were 7 sections at the conference: "Social and cultural dimension of science", "Social and psychological factors of culture, " Information and communication technologies as the newest form of culture existence "," Ethic and aesthetic in culture "," “Religion as a branch of culture "," Ukrainian cultural and national component of the world civilizations "," Language and culture - the main identifiers of the nation (dedicated to 250th anniversary of Ivan Kotliarevskyi birthday), the materials from 144 participants from 8 countries (95 attended the conference) out of 23 students and institutions.


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