About the Educational and Research Institute
Educational and Research Institute of Civil Defense of the Lviv State University of Life Safety, established in August 2010, is today one of the most productive and advanced in many areas of university life. The Institute is headed by Doctor of Sceince (Engineering), Associate Professor Vasyl Popovych. Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor Olha Menshykova is a Deputy Head of the Institute for teaching and research work, and Candidate of Science (Engineereing) Oleh Stokaliuk is a Deputy Head of the Institute for educational and social-psychological work.
Organization of educational process in the institute is carried out in 11 specialized classrooms and 5 laboratories (computer graphics, telecommunication systems, computer modeling, fire and rescue equipment and environmental safety). Practical exercises are conducted on the basis of educational-industrial complex, departments of the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine in Lviv Region, other universities of Lviv, different enterprises and companies.
There are 6 departments at the educational and research nstitute:
- Department of Environmental Safety
- Department of Industrial and Occupational Safety
- Department of Informational Security Management
- Department of Project Management, Information Technologies and Telecommunications
- Department of Civil Defense and Computer Modeling of Ecogeophysical Processes
- Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Professor Andriy Kuzyk conducts a research seminar, on which the results of scientific research on various topics are reported and discussed. The topics include:
- development of project information management principles of SES of Ukraine structural units;
- project and program management in the field of life safety;
- informational and analytical, social and psychological system of life safety monitoring;
- innovative information technologies in training specialists in the field of Civil Defense and Fire Safety;
- efficient research and development of advanced means subjects teaching;
- development of effective means of extinguishing agent supply in a seat of fire;
- problems of ecological safety;
- simulation of dangerous environmental and geophysical processes.
Departments of the Institute successfully run scientific societies for cadets and students. The members of scientific societies participate in various competitions and conferences both at our university and other educational institutions in Ukraine and abroad.
Over 500 cadets, full-time and extra-mural students study at the Educational and Research Institute of Civil Protection. An integral part of the educational process at the institute is the educational activity aimed at forming a socially mature, creative personality, ensuring the cultural and spiritual development of young people, educating students in the spirit of patriotism and responsibility for the fate of the state.
Сadets and students of the Institute are numerous winners of university, city and national artistic contests. They are active participants of amateur artistic groups, among them: Gaudeamus vocal group (director Kmit M.B.), Savior instrumental ensemble, dancing club "Svitanok".
Much attention is also paid to physical development. The cadets and students of Educational and Research Institute visit sports sections and are members of the university teams, take part in different competitions in LSULS and other institutions. Many of them have sports achievements and titles from the first category to the master of sports.
Educational and Research Institute has its own Cadets and Students Self-Government Council, whose work is aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and observance of the interests of cadets and students and education in the spirit of respect for their chosen profession, patriotism, spiritual and cultural development together with guidance and motivation both in their professional activity and training. The cadets and students of the institute take care for orphaned children of Bukiv Orphanage for Children With Physical and Mental Disabilities and orphaned children of the Lviv Orphanage # 1. They also wokr with firefighting veterans and participate in other charity events.