Українська Англійська

The University Held a Scientific-Practical Conference "Metropolitan AndriI Sheptytskyi - the Spiritual Father of Ukrainian People"

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​In Lviv State University of Life Safety work continues at the International Day of adult education. There was a scientific and practical conference "Metropolitan Andrii Sheptytskyi - the spiritual father of Ukrainian people."
At the plenary meeting on behalf of the regions reports spoke: the Academician-Secretary of professional education and adult education NAPS, professor, academician Nelli Nychkalo, the Deputy Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Yurii Pidlisnyi, the teacher of Vasylkivskyi Institute of philosophical and theological studies, priest Matei Mikhailo Gavryliv, the president of Lviv Regional Association "Native School "Petro Sikorskyi, the teacher of Ukrainian Catholic University Nazar Duda, the director of the Lviv Research Center of the Institute of Professional Technical Education NAPS of Ukraine Hryhorii Vasianovych, the Candidate of Sciences Oleg Kekosh, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, member of NAPS of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education NAPS of Ukraine Heorhii Filipchuk and others.
Conference "Metropolitan Andrii Sheptytskyi - the spiritual father of Ukrainian people" comes in the context of an international conference on philosophy and adult education, the conference of Andrei Sheptytskyi as the spiritual father of Ukrainian people is a rod, as this value of Ukrainian identity is so strong in all dimensions, I would call him a philosopher of sustainable development. The Content of Ukrainian Studies values ​​should be laid at such figures from Shevchenko to Sheptytskyi because we never modernize our ideological vision and we will not become interesting for the world if we do not notice that we are obliged to go into the world with such giants as Sheptytskyi,"- said the member of the conference Professor Georgii Filipchuk .
Metropolitan Andrii Sheptytskyi paid constant attention to organization and development of national and religious life on the Western Ukrainian lands. His work was so multifaceted, that it is surprising how much one person can do. Huge metropolitan authority contributed to the consolidation of Greek-Catholic Church. Pastoral word strengthened people's faith shaped the national consciousness. Sheptytskyi’s enduring desirewas to unite the Ukrainian people in a separate and independent state.
In the name of the Ukrainian people he was active in charity.


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