Українська Англійська

The Department of Law and Management Organized an Integrating Meeting with Cadets and Students of the University

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19 November of Law and Management of Civil Protection organized an integrating meeting with cadets and students of LSU LS and the press - service of the SSES Department of Ukraine in Lviv region Chrystyna Avdyeyeva to exchange views and discuss such topical themes: "Promoting the rescuer profession " "Increasing the prestige of serving in units of SSES of Ukraine", "Formation of leadership skills of cadets and students."
     Chrystyna Avdyeyeva spoke about the methods and tools of popularization of lifeguard profession in society, raising its prestige among young people, which is determined by the choice of profession.
During the meeting the participants had the opportunity to express their views, to propose effective measures and steps to predict their implementation within the specified subject. An interesting and emotional discussion was enhancing the prestige of the State Service of Emergencies of Ukraine. The participants also discussed the creation and introduction of effective methods of creating a culture of safe human behaviour by developing mobile applications, computer games on prevention of fires and other dangerous events.
       Research and teaching staff of the department are planning in the future to organize such meetings-discussions. The purpose of the project is to unite young people who are not excluded from social problems, showing leadership, constantly expanding the range of their interests, open to dialogue and willing to adopt creative and innovative solutions.


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