Українська Англійська

The Representatives of the University was awarded the Insignia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences

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During the inauguration ceremony masters of Lviv State University of Life Safety on the occasion of release were presented a number of awards by the administration.
In particular, the Metropolitan of Lviv and Sokal Dymytrii gave the highest award of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate "Order of Christ the Savior" to the Rector Mykhailo Kozyar.
Welcoming the masters, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, academician Nychkalo Nellia said, "You got a master's degree, studying in prestige establishment among global educational elite. Remember your teachers, take up and multiply the glorious traditions of your educational establishment so that we can be proud of you. "
She thanked the scientific and pedagogical staff for their help in organizing the "International Day of Adult Education", held at the University the rector Mykhailo Kozyar handed medal NANS of Ukraine "K.Ushynskyi" and also awarded diplomas of the Vice-rector Myroslav Koval, the Vice-Rector of logistics and management Roman Ratushnyi, the Head of the Department of Social and humanitarian work Vasyl Kreshchyna and the chief of research and publishing and editorial activity Mykola Florka. The diploma was also awarded to rector assistant Nazarii Koval.


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