Українська Англійська

University Men congratulated Women on the International Women's Day

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On the eve of the holiday men greeted the women of the university with a magical holiday - International Women's Day!
Men heartily wished huge female happiness, love and goodness.
Also, Ukrainian Association of war and civil protection veterans, in order to honour the dignity of the employees of the entities of SES of Ukraine, for many years of their fruitful work, conscientious performance of duty, active social activities, participation in the heroic and patriotic, spiritual, moral, cultural education of young people, a significant contribution to the development of veteran movement on the occasion of International Women's Day - March 8 awards:

1. Association honour - "medal" for valour and victory "
Mariya Rykhva, a former chief of financial and economic department of the Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine, Lieutenant Colonel of civil defence, retired;
2. Honorary Diploma of the Association:
Tamara Martyn, a specialist in the Office of the Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine;
Anna Shapovalova, the head of the Office of the Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine;
3.  Charter of Grandeur, Honour and Dignity:
Romana Komarnytska, an accountant of financial and economic department of the State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine;
Olha Kushlak,a senior laboratorian of Distance Learning Laboratory of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.
Liubov Liubinska, an ex-head of cadets' dining of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.
Kateryna Podilchyk, an economist of Logistics and Management department of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.
Lidiia Rogulia, a former accountant of the Financial and Economic department of the Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.
And announces thanks:
Olha Radchenko, the Head of food supply of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.

 MariiaTertulia, an employee of cadets' dining of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine.


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