Elected Delegates of Union of Kingston Students Came to Lviv State University of Life Safety

On January 22, 2018 Patrick Tatarian and Daisy Bow du Toit, elected delegates of Union of Kingston Students, came to Lviv State University of Life Safety in the framework of the British Council's project on the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine to exchange experience in student self-government activities.
The visit began with a meeting with the representatives of the Department Scientific and Research Activities at the Cultural and Educational Center of the University. During the meeting a work plan for a week was discussed and confirmed . During the week, it is planned to attend classes at Lviv State University and to visit the Main Department of SES of Ukraine in Lviv Regoin, to meet with delegates of the Student Council of Lviv and to hold meetings and trainings for improving the efficiency of student self-government .
During the first day of the visit an acquaintance with the staff of the Cadet and Student Council was held, and the results of the implementation of the action plan developed during Patrick Tatarian's visit to Lviv was discussed.
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