Українська Англійська

Concluding Meeting of Erasmus+ Participants

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Concluding Meeting of Erasmus+ Participants
Concluding Meeting of Erasmus+ Participants

On May 21, 2018, Participants of Erasmus+ academic programmes from Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kingston University (London, UK) had a joint meeting to celebrate achievements of the 2017/2018 academic year. The meeting was organized by Dr. Alan Flowers, Erasmus+ project coordinator at Kingston University, and hosted by Lviv Polytechnic National University. Representatives of the three higher educational institutions which jointly participate in Erasmus+ academic mobility programmes discussed their experience, achievements and prospects for further development and implementation of research and educational initiatives. Lviv State University of Life Safety was represented by the Vice-Rector for Research and Development Prof. Andriy Kuzyk, Erasmus+ Project Coordinator Prof. Yuriy Starodub, Dr. Andriy Lagun, Dr. Maria Mandrona and Andriy Havrys. Dr. Alan Flowers provided feedback on teaching done by visiting lecturers, expressed his gratitude for the high level of training and expertise, and outlined prospects for academic mobility of students.


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