Українська Англійська

Новини університету

31th Anniversary of Chornobyl Accident at LSULS

On April 26 Ceremony devoted to commemoration of the liquidators of the Chornobyl Accident  was held at Lviv State University of Life Safety.

28.04.2017 16:10
 Rectorial election at Lviv State University of Life Safety

On April 25 rectorial election was held at Lviv State University of Life Safety according to the law requirements.

28.04.2017 15:48
Our University took the 88-th place in Ukraine due to SciVerse Scopus database indicators

The fruitful work of the Academic Council Мembers, management and teaching staff of the University allowed to take the 88-th place in universities' rankings...

19.04.2017 17:47
The 2-nd round of Ukrainian Volleyball Championship at LSULS

On April 11 the 2-nd round of Ukrainian Volleyball Championship took place at Lviv...

19.04.2017 12:15
A seminar for for the press services of SES of Ukraine took place in Kyiv

On April 10 Igor Kordiyaka representing LSULS attended the seminar for the press services of SES of Ukraine territorial units.

19.04.2017 10:28
Easter Greeting from the Head of SES of Ukraine

Dear colleagues!

19.04.2017 09:45
Police Horting Open European Championship: our cadets are in top

Between April 6 and April 9 Police Horting Open European Championship...

14.04.2017 14:54
Results of  Lviv regional Championship  of "Dynamo" organization in athletics and cross country running

On April 05-06, 2017 Lviv regional Championship  of "Dynamo"...

10.04.2017 13:01
Our volleyball team won the first stage of "Minister of Internal Affairs Cup"

On 5- 6 April a volleyball tournament "Minister of Internal Affairs Cup" was held at the sports base of LSULS. 

10.04.2017 12:01
Olexandr Kobko took the second place in Student Olympiad on "Fire Safety"

On March 29-30 the second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on "Fire Safety" discipline took place at National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.

10.04.2017 11:26


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post