Українська Англійська

Новини університету

A new fire pumper for our University

In order to provide SES units with fire and rescue vehicles for the timely and proper implementation of measures related to people rescuing, firefighting and personnel training our University received a new fire...

10.04.2017 11:12
Research and teaching staff of the University commemorated Academician Ivan Zyazyun

On March 30-31, 2017 International scientific and practical conference "Scientific Heritage of Academician Ivan Zyazyun in Present and Future Dimensions" took place at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

05.04.2017 17:59
Our students showed good results participating in All-Ukrainian student research contest

Between March 28 and March 31 a scientific conference dedicated to the final round of the All-Ukrainian student research contest on specialty "Applied Geometry, Engineering Fraphics and Ergonomics" took place at...

05.04.2017 17:37
Two conferences in one day

On March 30 Lviv Regional Conference "Together for Kids! Deinstitutionalisation and development in the field of social policy" took place at Lviv State University of Life Safety.

03.04.2017 14:05
Best wishes to our volleyball team

On March 28-29 volleyball competition was  held at LSULS in the framework of "Universiade 2017» in Lviv region.

03.04.2017 13:23
Easter is coming

On March 30 a workshop on Easter eggs was held at our University. It was  traditionally organized by the Department of Ukrainian Studies.

03.04.2017 12:41
Good news from our young scientists

On March 28 at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Kharkiv) the final round of the All-Ukrainian student research contest on specialty "Theory and methods of professional education" was held.

03.04.2017 12:24
Our cadets learn the peculiarities of humanitarian demining in Estonia

Between March 24 and April 1, 2017 Lviv State University of Life Safety and Security Academy of Estonia took part in the joint project "Support to the Ukrainian Emergency Situations Service in establishment of the...

03.04.2017 10:38
Lviv State University of Life Safety is a home for talented youth

A contest for the best amateur group was held at Lviv State University of Life Safety.

29.03.2017 10:05
All-Ukrainian Student Research Contest on specialty "Technological safety". Total results

On March 23, 2017 the final stage of the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Research Contest on specialty "Technological safety" was conducted at LSULS.

29.03.2017 09:17


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post