Українська Англійська

Новини університету

In the Lviv City Council a ceremonial signing of agreements between LCC and universities took place, in the framework of the training "first career step."

28.12.2015 11:13

13-15 November in Kiev it was held a Championship of Ukraine unarmed combat. 

28.12.2015 11:11

November 14 to the day of Ukrainian language and literature the deputy chiefs of the 4th and 2nd year of studying of the department of fire and technological safety Petro Ivankiv and Stepan Vitkovskii organized 

28.12.2015 11:09

November 12, 2015 the Department of Civil Protection and computer modelling ekogeophysics processes carried all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of postgraduate students, cadets and students in Lviv State University of Life...

28.12.2015 11:08

November 9, 2015 it was held a cadets and students scientific round table "Lviv - the Capital ZUNR", conducted by Scientific Society of cadets and students of the department of humanities and social work under the direction of Doctor of...

23.12.2015 14:54

The University students go on meeting with students of Engineering and Economics School at Lviv Economic Lyceum. 

23.12.2015 14:51

November 9, the Day of Ukrainian writing and language teachers, officers, cadets and students of our University took part in the Ukrainian spelling dictation of national unity. 

23.12.2015 14:49

In Lviv State University of Life Safety Open Day was held. Applicants came with their parents, read the terms of entering and studying. 

23.12.2015 14:48

4 November psychological support sector together with the lecturers of the department of  Pedagogy and Practical Psychology O.Klymenko, R. Kryshtanovych continued the work of "Film analysis" on "Hysteria", which conducted an analysis of...

23.12.2015 14:30

November 4 a round table meeting on "Internationalisation of Education: Search an effective model in the context of Ukrainian-Swedish cooperation " was held at the Lviv State University of Life Safety.


21.12.2015 18:50


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University Post