Українська Англійська

Новини університету

University specialists took part in the opening of the center for chemical, radiation and biological protection in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

On November 8, University specialists took part in the opening of a regional center for training specialists in chemical, radiation and biological protection in the city of Amman of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

09.11.2022 10:28
Scientific and pedagogical staff took part in the Final Planning Conference in Amman, Jordan

Within the framework of the EU-CHEM-REACT international project, university representatives Oleksandr Sviatkevych, Oleksandr Lazarenko and Vasyl Loiik took part in the Final Planning Conference on preparation for conducting command and...

07.11.2022 15:03
University students and cadets began studies at Main School of Fire Service (Warsaw, Poland)

The implementation of the agreement between the Lviv State University of Life Safety and the Main School of the Fire Service (Warsaw, Republic of Poland) regarding joint master's studies continues.

07.11.2022 15:03
Implementation of  KA107 project  - Higher Education Student and staff mobility between Program and Partner Countries ERASMUS+ academic mobility program with Kingston University (London, Great Britain) continues at the University

In autumn semester of 2022-2023 academic year, Karina Sandyha, Anastasiya Ivanchenko, Oleksandr Kotsur, Anastasiya Radchenko, Shlichta Olha, Lozova Diana, Vasylyshyn Yaroslav, Ilkiv Bohdan, Syrovyi Vitaly, Oleksandr Styopochkin will...

07.11.2022 12:31

Roksolana Paprotska is a master's student of the University of the specialty 073 "Management" (educational and professional program "Project Management").

07.11.2022 12:10
10th open project competition took place during "International Project Manager's Day"

On November 1, 2022, the department of law and management in the field of civil protection of the University organized and held the 10th open project competition as part of the "International Project Manager's Day".

02.11.2022 17:19
Academic exchanges with Estonian Security Academy

Training for participants of the Erasmus+ academic mobility program has begun at the Estonian Security Academy (Tallinn).

19.10.2022 17:02
Ukrainian firefighters are world champions

Ukrainian team won the team relay at the XXXI World Championship among firefighters. Participants from more than 13 countries took part in the competition.

19.10.2022 16:57
XXXI World firefighters championship: Ihor Polishchuk takes part in the competition in the USA

The teacher of the department of special rescue training and physical education Ihor Polishchuk is taking part in the XXXI World Championship among firefighters. The competition takes place in the United States of America.

11.10.2022 17:03
LSULS representatives take over experience from Swedish rescuers

From September 21 to 22, representatives of the Lviv State University of Life Safety Oleksandr Lazarenko and Vitalii Pospolitak took part in the National Conference of Firefighters and Rescuers in the Kingdom of Sweden (Uppsala).

22.09.2022 14:17



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University Post