Українська Англійська

Department of physics and chemistry of Combustion

Department of physics and chemistry of Combustion

     Knowledge of the processes of combustion, chemistry and physics of high-temperature processes is the basis of quality performance by firefighters of their professional duties to fight fire, rescue people and material assets, and emergency prevention.

    The Department of Physics and Chemistry of Combustion is the basic structural unit of the Institute of Fire and Technogenic Safety of Lviv State University of Life Safety, which carries out scientific, educational and methodical activity in the fields of fire safety, civil safety, transport technologies, ecology, protection computer science, cybersecurity and management. There are two educational laboratories at the department - the laboratory of processes of combustion and general chemistry and the laboratory of physics, equipped with the necessary instruments and materials for determining the physicochemical properties of substances and materials, incl. their fire hazardous parameters.


History of the department: 

     The Department of Combustion Physics and Chemistry was created on February 11, 2019 as a result of combining the Combustion Processes Department and General Chemistry and the Department of Physics and Thermodynamics. The department has a scientific and pedagogical team of leading specialists who, at a high professional level, provide educational and educational process in all areas of training of our university's specialists, except for the humanities. The chair is headed by Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Boris Mikhalichko.




Department staff: 

     The department employs a highly qualified teaching staff: 1 doctor of science, professor, 4 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 lecturer and 1 laboratory assistant of the department. The educational process and research work are carried out by 6 scientific and pedagogical staff.


Research and teaching staff: 

Head of Department


Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Professor of the Department


Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department


Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department

Valentyna BALITSKA

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Lecturer of the Department


Laboratory assistant



Courses are taught at the department: 

The theory of development and termination of combustion
Theoretical foundations of fire explosive
The theory of combustion and explosion
Chemistry with the basics of biogeochemistry

Scientific-methodical work of the department: 


Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department have prepared a considerable amount of scientific and methodological literature in the field of academic disciplines of the University. Associate Professor V.V. Oschapovsky wrote and published a textbook "Fundamentals of Ecology: Environment and Technogenic Impact", approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, recommended for cadets and students studying at higher education institutions, including the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine. Professor Mikhalichko B.M. wrote a large modern textbook "Course in General Chemistry. Theoretical Foundations."

      In total, more than 40 methodical instructions for laboratory, module control and calculation work have been developed by the department staff. Including, developed and published training manuals "Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry. I. General chemistry "(B.M. Mikhalichko, A.M. Shcherbina, V.V. Oschapovsky)," Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry. II. Inorganic Chemistry "(B.M. Mikhalichko, O.M. Shcherbina, V.M. Balaniuk)," General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry "(O.M. Shcherbyna)," General and Special Chemistry "(O.M. Shcherbina, etc.), "Synopsis of lectures on chemistry" (O.M. Shcherbin), "Workshop on chemistry" (Shcherbyna O.M. and others), "Collection of test problems in chemistry" (O.M. Shcherbyna). The terminology dictionary "Chemistry and combustion processes" was published (A.M. Shcherbyna, B.M. Mykhalichko, V.M. Balaniuk). Published terminology dictionary "Rescuer's Handbook" (V.M. Balaniuk, G.F. Vinyavskaya, O.M. Shcherbina and others) in volume of 712 pages. Work is underway on the second edition of the textbook "Theory of development and cessation of combustion" (V.M. Balaniuk, O.I. Lavrenyuk). The Dangerous Substances Directory database is being developed.

     The employees of the department are well known to the general public of scientists of the world for their scientific on educational and pedagogical publications. They are constantly invited to participate in various International Scientific Conferences. Scientific journals from Europe, America, Asia, USA, UK, Germany, Russia and others. countries are requested to submit articles for publication, scientific publishers from different countries are proposing to print monographs and textbooks from different fields of knowledge.

     So, Lviv State University of Life Safety is well known all over the world.



Material-technical base: 

     Theoretical and practical classes in these disciplines are held in the audience of the department, and laboratory - in the educational laboratory of the processes of combustion and general chemistry, equipped with the necessary materials and reagents.

Laboratory of combustion processes and general chemistry

     The laboratory operates on the basis of Lviv State University of Life Safety. It is equipped with the necessary instruments to determine the explosive and fire-fighting parameters of combustible substances and materials, as well as measuring equipment, test equipment and standard models. Testing techniques are used on the basis of regulatory documentation. The laboratory consists of two divisions of a training laboratory and a research laboratory. The following laboratory works are performed in the training laboratory in the direction of preparation "Fire Safety":

  • Determination of the composition of combustion products;

  • Determination of combustion temperature of substances;

  • Determination of the tendency to self-ignition of fats, oils and other materials;

  • Determination of the concentration limits of the flame spread for combustible vapors and gases;

  • Determination of the flash point and the rate of burning of liquids;

  • Determination of the rate of burning of solids;

  • Determination of flammability of substances Study of the extinguishing of flames by extinguishing powders and aerosols;

  • Investigation of the mechanism of quenching by the cooling method;

  • Investigation of the process of cessation of combustion using phlegmatizers.

      In the chemical directions, classes in the laboratory are conducted according to the directions of Chemistry and Chemistry with the basics of biogeochemistry

Physics Laboratory

    The laboratory operates on the basis of Lviv State University of Life Safety. It is equipped with the necessary instruments to perform laboratory work in the following sections of physics: mechanics, molecular physics, electromagnetism and optics. The following laboratory works are performed in the teaching laboratory:
Determination of body density;
Study of movements on an inclined plane;
Determination of free fall acceleration by means of a mathematical pendulum;
Study of the rotational motion on the Oberbeck pendulum;
Investigation of the moment of inertia of a two-link system on its geometric dimensions;
Research of oscillatory movements;
Determining the height of the building by the barometric formula;
Determination of the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid by the Stokes method;
Definition of Boltzmann constant and universal gas constant;
Determination of the coefficient of surface tension by the method of lifting fluid in the capillary tube;
Determination of edge angles;
Determination of the surface tension coefficient by the drop-off method;
Determination of humidity by a psychrometer;
Electrostatic field study;
Investigation of serial and parallel connection of conductors;
Investigation of the temperature dependence of the resistance of semiconductor resistors;
Determination of the coefficient of temperature dependence of the resistance of semiconductor resistors;
Determination of the oscillation period of the oscillating circuit;
Study of transformer operation;
Determination of focal length and optical power of the harvesting lens;
Determination of the wavelength by a diffraction grating;
Determination of illumination of a surface by means of a luxmeter;
Determination of defect size using a microscope.

Areas of research: 

       Scientific research is conducted in the following areas:

  • Influence of shock gas waves on the fire extinguishing efficiency of an aerosol of potassium salts (Balaniuk V.M, Kopistinsky Y.O.)

  • Mechanism of inhibition of combustion processes of nitrogen-containing organic substances with cuprum salts (B.M. Mikhalichko)

  • Investigation of combustibility of composite materials based on epoxy resins (O.I. Lavrenyuk)

  • Investigation of the toxicity of combustion products (O.M. Shcherbina)

  • "Development of methods for determining the energy of ionic crystal lattices and its use for the evaluation of some physicochemical characteristics of condensed systems and gaseous molecules" and "Effect of combustion products on the environment" (Oshchapovsky V.V.).

Science students and cadets: 

The department has a scientific society of cadets and students

                                       Areas of research work of the society of cadets and students of the department
1. "Investigation of combustibility of composite materials based on epoxy resins" - Head of work Associate Professor, PhD. Lavrenyuk O.I.
2. "Investigation of the toxicity of combustion products: carbon, sulfur and nitrogen oxides" - Head of the work Associate Professor, PhD.
3. "Impact of combustion products on the environment" - Associate Professor, PhD. Oschapovsky V.V.
4. "Investigation of fire extinguishing efficiency of dispersed systems based on inorganic salts of potassium" - Head of the work Balanyuk V.M.
    Cadets and students under the direction of the department's employees perform theoretical computational and experimental studies, which result in dozens of publications in journals and abstracts at various, including international conferences.

Scientific research work: 

    Under the guidance of Professor B.M. Mikhalichki dissertation studies on the topic "Combustion inhibitors of amines and nitriles based on compounds of cuprum" (associate N.M. Godovanets).
Under the guidance of Associate Professor V.M. Balaniuk's thesis "Increasing the efficiency of aerosol fire extinguishing systems" works by associate professor Kopistynsky Y.O. Also Assoc. V.M. Balaniuk manages the thesis "Aerosol Powder Fire Extinguishing" (associate professor Marusyak YM).
     During the existence of the department, scientific and pedagogical staff published many scientific papers on the results of scientific activity, participated in many scientific-practical forums and international scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad, in particular, in the International scientific-practical conference "Emergencies: warning and elimination "(Minsk, Belarus); International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fire Safety" (Cherkasy); scientific conferences "Lviv Chemical Readings" (Lviv); Lomonosov International Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists (Moscow, Russia); All-Ukrainian International Conference of Young Scientists "Nanomaterials in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine" (Kyiv); The XXIII International Chugayiv Conference on Coordination Chemistry (Odessa); The International Disaster Reduction Conference, 20-26 August, 2007, Harbin (China), International Disaster and Risk Conference, IDRC, Davos, August 25-29, 2008. Davos, Switzerland, 2008 (Switzerland); 17-21st Conferences on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, October 31-November 1, 2008, Jackson, Miss., USA, 2008 (USA) and 2012; Scientific regional conference with international participation "Chemistry-2010. Nanochemistry ”(Dubna, Russia); 21st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Fire Safety" (Moscow, 2010, Russia); 10th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education (ECRICE) and 4th International Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences (DidSci), 4-9 July 2010 (Krakow, Poland); XVIth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (QSCP-XVI) September 11-17, 2011, Kanazawa, Japan (Japan); 5th International Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences. Pedagogical University of Krakow. Krakow, Poland (Poland); International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Problems of Integration of National Higher Education Institutions into the European Educational Environment", Kharkiv, Ukraine; 21st Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Miss (USA, USA) and other international forums in Europe, America and Asia.
     Associate Professor V.V. Oschapovsky has repeatedly traveled abroad, presenting the results of his research, raising the international rank of the University.

    For their fruitful pedagogical and scientific work the employees of the department were awarded diplomas and diplomas, including international organizations and institutions, received worldwide recognition.


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post