Department of supervision-preventive activity and fire automatics
Department of supervision-preventive activity and fire automatics
The department was opened as part of Kyiv training course for the development of fire-fighting officership at USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was launched on October,14, 1947 by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Captain Ya. H. Sukhomlin was appointed as the head of special cycle. On July, 1952, on the basis of Kyiv training courses for the development of fire-fighting officership the Kyiv fire-fighting technical school was opened. The school provided five cycles of education. The cycle of Fire Prevention was among those five. Captain S.Ya. Suliy (1952-1961) was the first commander of Fire Prevention cycle. On May, 1954 Kyiv fire-fighting technical school was relocated to the city of Lviv and was renamed as Lviv Fire-fighting technical School at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers’ resolution #245 of June 21, 2001 “On the reorganization of Lviv Fire-fighting technical school at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs into Lviv institute of Fire Safety”, the Fire Prevention department was opened on the basis of the cycle. Colonel T.B. Yuz’kiv was the first head of the department. In 2004, due to the reorganization of structural subunits of the Institute, the Fire Prevention department was renamed as the Department of Monitoring and Fire Prevention. Since 2007 the Candidate of Science, Associate professor, Colonel of civil defense service O.I. Bashyns’kyi has been the head of the department.
History of the department:
The department was opened as part of Kyiv training course for the development of fire-fighting officership at USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was launched on October,14, 1947 by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Captain Ya. H. Sukhomlin was appointed as the head of special cycle. On July, 1952, on the basis of Kyiv training courses for the development of fire-fighting officership the Kyiv fire-fighting technical school was opened. The school provided five cycles of education. The cycle of Fire Prevention was among those five. Captain S.Ya. Suliy (1952-1961) was the first commander of Fire Prevention cycle. On May, 1954 Kyiv fire-fighting technical school was relocated to the city of Lviv and was renamed as Lviv Fire-fighting technical School at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers’ resolution #245 of June 21, 2001 “On the reorganization of Lviv Fire-fighting technical school at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs into Lviv institute of Fire Safety”, the Fire Prevention department was opened on the basis of the cycle. Colonel T.B. Yuz’kiv was the first head of the department. In 2004, due to the reorganization of structural subunits of the Institute, the Fire Prevention department was renamed as the Department of Monitoring and Fire Prevention. Since 2007 the Candidate of Science, Associate professor, Colonel of civil defense service O.I. Bashyns’kyi has been the head of the department.
Department staff:
Staff monitoring and prevention activities has 9 members, including 7 PhD.
Research and teaching staff:
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Head of Department Oleh BASHYNSKYI
Candidate of Technical Sciences Colonel of Civil Defense Service
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Deputy Head of the Department Oleh NAZAROVETS Lieutenant Colonel of Civil Defense Service |
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Associate Professor of the Department Oleh MILLER |
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Associate Professor of the Department Nadiia FERENTS Candidate of Technical Sciences., Associate Professor, Colonel of Civil Defense Service
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Associate Professor of the Department Marta PELESHKO Candidate of Technical Sciences |
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Associate Professor of the Department Andrii KUSHNIR PhD |
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Associate Professor of the Department Serhii VOVK Candidate of Technical Sciences Colonel of Civil Defense Service |
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Associate Professor of the Department Oleh SHAPOVALOV Candidate of Technical Sciences. Colonel of Civil Defense Service |
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Lecturer of the department Demian KHARYSHYN Captain of Civil Defense Service |
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Senior Lecturer of the department Taras BEREZHANSKYI Major of Civil Defense Service |
Courses are taught at the department:
Scientific-methodical work of the department:
The aim of the department is to train young specialists with the qualification of Bachelor, Specialist and Master specializing in “Fire Safety”, “Civil Defense”, “and Work Safety”; qualified workers for factories, institutions. It also aims at advanced training of the command staff of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and receiving second higher education by the students of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. A number of researches are being carried out to secure the fire safety of different ministries.
Department workers also review abstracts of thesis, manuals and textbooks. They also take part in the specialized boards of studies and are involved in the presentations of thesis.
Part of the practical classes is taught at real functioning objects. Students and cadets have a chance, thus, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge, improve practical skills and gain some experience. They also have a chance to observe modern means of fire protection, new space planning decisions and smoke exhaust systems.
Material-technical base:
The Department of Monitoring and Fire Prevention has been allocated certain rooms and laboratories in the educational building. There are also two rooms for conducting practical classes for students and cadets. Classrooms are provided with the miniatures of real functioning objects of Lviv, which deserve high attention. The lecturer can use these miniatures to demonstrate the space-planning decisions, automatic fire-alarm and fire-extinguishing systems, the structure of the escape means designed for different types of constructions. The miniatures are equipped with small bulb lights to indicate the certain objects in the building.
The classrooms contain miniatures of the following types of buildings: public buildings, entertainment buildings, industrial buildings, hospitals and other buildings, which call for high attention in the context of fire safety.
Areas of research:
Academic teaching staff conducts the researches on the following topics: “Ways of Improving Concrete Stability on Exposure to High Temperatures” (Associate professor O.I.Bashyns’kyi, M.Z.Peleshko, T.H.Berezhans’kyi), “Improvement of Metal Constructions Fire Resistance with Help of Coverage Made of Filled Silicon Chemical Mixtures (Associate professor Yu. V. Hutsuliak, V.V. Artemenko, S.Ya. Vovk).
In 2003 members of academic teaching staff published 22 research articles in specialized publications and took part in 30 international research-to-practice conferences. Academic teaching staff has designed a number of manuals, which have been successfully implemented in the learning process of higher educational establishments and are used by certain subunits of Emergencies Ministry of Ukraine. In particular, “Calculation of Armored Concrete Floor Fire-resistance” (Yu.V.Hutsuliak, T.B.Yuz’kiv, I.V.Dvorianyn, O.I.Bashyns’kyi), “Strengths of the Materials” (L.I. Hurniak, Yu.V.Hutsuliak, T.B.Yuz’kiv), “Military Psychology and Pedagogy” (M.Y. Variy, M.M. Koziar, M.S. Koval), “Social Services Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 in Teaching” (M.S. Koval, M.M. Koziar, V.M. Kobysia, M.Yu. Kademiya ), “Fire Safety of Agribusiness” (M.Z. Peleshko, O.F. Babadganova, O.I. Bashyns’kyi).
O.I Bashyns’kyi, Yu. V.Hutsuliak, M.S.Koval, M.Z.Peleshko, S.Ya.Vovk, V.V. Artemenko do a lot of patent work. Two patents and one positive verdict were received in 2003 and one more application for a patent was made.
On March 2012 Captain of civil defense service, V.V. Artemenko, has successfully presented his thesis on the topic “Improvement of metal constructions fire resistance with help of filled alumino poly siloxane” (21.06.12 Fire Safety) to receive the PhD in Technical Science. The achievements have been included in the curriculum for the training of civil defense specialists at Lviv State University of Life Safety.
The department senior teacher, Major S.Ya. Vovk, successfully presented his thesis on the topic “Improvement of Constructions’ Fire Resistance with Help of Fireproof Coverage Made from Polimetylfenilsyloksan.”
The department teacher, Senior Lieutenant Taras Hryhorovych Berezhans’kyi is writing a thesis on the topic “Improvement of Strengths and Reliability of Portable Fire Tool”.
Science students and cadets:
Much attention is paid to the involvement of students and cadets in research projects. Authors of the best works take part in various national and international scientific competitions, where they often place high. Namely, cadet A.Yu. Shapirko won the second prize at the open competition of the research projects among students and cadets of Higher educational establishments at State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
Cultural events, entertainment:
Such events contribute greatly to the spiritual and intellectual development of students and cadets.

Scientific research work:
In 2003 members of academic teaching staff published 22 research articles in specialized publications and took part in 30 international research-to-practice conferences. Academic teaching staff has designed a number of manuals, which have been successfully implemented in the learning process of higher educational establishments and are used by certain subunits of Emergencies Ministry of Ukraine. In particular, “Calculation of Armored Concrete Floor Fire-resistance” (Yu.V.Hutsuliak, T.B.Yuz’kiv, I.V.Dvorianyn, O.I.Bashyns’kyi), “Strengths of the Materials” (L.I. Hurniak, Yu.V.Hutsuliak, T.B.Yuz’kiv), “Military Psychology and Pedagogy” (M.Y. Variy, M.M. Koziar, M.S. Koval), “Social Services Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 in Teaching” (M.S. Koval, M.M. Koziar, V.M. Kobysia, M.Yu. Kademiya ), “Fire Safety of Agribusiness” (M.Z. Peleshko, O.F. Babadganova, O.I. Bashyns’kyi).
O.I Bashyns’kyi, Yu. V.Hutsuliak, M.S.Koval, M.Z.Peleshko, S.Ya.Vovk, V.V. Artemenko do a lot of patent work. Two patents and one positive verdict were received in 2003 and one more application for a patent was made.
On March 2012 Captain of civil defense service, V.V. Artemenko, has successfully presented his thesis on the topic “Improvement of metal constructions fire resistance with help of filled alumino poly siloxane” (21.06.12 Fire Safety) to receive the PhD in Technical Science. The achievements have been included in the curriculum for the training of civil defense specialists at Lviv State University of Life Safety.
The department senior teacher, Major S.Ya. Vovk, successfully presented his thesis on the topic “Improvement of Constructions’ Fire Resistance with Help of Fireproof Coverage Made from Polimetylfenilsyloksan.”
The department teacher, Senior Lieutenant Taras Hryhorovych Berezhans’kyi is writing a thesis on the topic “Improvement of Strengths and Reliability of Portable Fire Tool”. The research lies in putting the layer of material on the knives of hydraulic rescue tool, namely, hydraulic shears through spattering to improve strength and reliability of this tool in operation.
Information for entrants:
Institute of fire and technogenic safety of Lviv State University of Life safety made bachelors, specialists and masters based on specialty “Fire Safety”
Institute graduates are prepared to hold urgent work to emergencies and of sustenance of the affected population and to address the organizational, technical, engineering problems with fire safety, determine the degree of fire risk processes calculation methods, the development of engineering solutions for the Protection of equipment, facilities and houses, examination of design and estimate documentation, monitoring the implementation of fire and technogenic safety.
The list of post which graduates can take:
- commander of the guard at state fire-rescuer department
- commander of department at fire-rescuer post
- senior specialist of civil defense in the city, districts and regions
- commander of department at the search of rescue
- engineer of fire-rescuer works
- inspector at State inspection of techno security
- engineer of research and testing lab
- engineer of projection fire-extinguish systems and fire-alarms
- engineer of projection smoke-protection systems
- engineer of projection lightning-protection systems
- the expert in marking of objects fire safety
- the expert of fire safety in structure departments