The Department of vehicle operation and fire-rescue techniques

As for the field of study "Transport Technologies", the department provides a study of subjects such as:
- Freight transportation
- Passenger’s transportation
- Interaction between transport modes
- The overall rate of transport
- Information support of road users
- Logistics
- Traffic organization
Besides, there are training courses for drivers of category "B, C" at the department. After completion of study the subject "Automobile training” and passing internal exam, cadets and students are allowed to pass exams in the registration departments traffic police and get the driver's license of the appropriate category.
Teaching at the department of "Vehicle operation and fire-rescue equipment " is carried by 12 scientific-pedagogical workers , including PhD, professor and 6 candidates of science. The department is headed by The Doctor of Technical Science , Professor Hashchuk P.M.
History of the department:
In 2011, senior lecturer Popovych V. defended his thesis on the topic " phitomelioration of decaying heaps Lviv-Volyn coal basin " (scientific supervisor - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences , prof. Kucheriavyi V.P.) .
Deputy Head of the Department Sychevskyi M.I. is working on the thesis research on the topic "Optimizing the combination of modes of engine and fire truck pumping unit" (scientific supervisor – professor of technical science Hashchuk P.M.).
Associate Professor Vasilieva completing her doctoral thesis "Synthesis of multi cylindrical gears with regard to their vibrations under dynamic loads" (scientific supervisor – Prof. Kuzio I.) and has published 40 scientific papers in professional journals for thesis material.
Lecturer Dominik A.M. is completing his thesis "Increasing the thermal stability of piecewise homogeneous structures " (scientific supervisor - prof. Semerak M.M.).
Lecturer Prydatko O.V. is writing a thesis on the topic "Design oriented approach in the preparation of modern fire rescuer" (scientific supervisor – candidate of technical science, associate professor Renkas A.H.)
In September 2013 lecturer Pasnak I.V. defended successfully his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, speciality 21.06.02 - Fire Safety. The theme of thesis: " Increasing the effectiveness of liquidation of class A and B fires at the industrial enterprises by improving technical means of fire extinguishment" (scientific supervisor – candidate of technical science, associate professor Vasilieva O.E ).
In October 2013 a senior lecturer Rudenko D.V. defended successfully his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, speciality 21.06.02 - Fire Safety. The theme of thesis: "Justification settings remotely controlled module for use during fire at the objects of high risk"(scientific supervisor – candidate of technical science, associate professor Vasilieva O.E ).
Department staff:
The teaching process at the department of fire and rescue equipment is carried out by 10 scientific and pedagogical workers, among them a doctor of sciences, professor and 4 candidates of sciences, associate professors.
Research and teaching staff:
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Head of Department |
Deputy Head of the Department Andrii DOMINIK PhD, Associate Professor Lieutenant Colonel of Civil Defence Service
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Professor of the department Yurii PAVLIUK PhD, Associate Professor |
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Associate Professor of the Department
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Senior Lecturer of the department |
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Senior Lecturer of the department Artur RENKAS Major of Civil Defence Service |
Senior Lecturer of the department
Andrii HAVRYLIUK Major of Civil Defence |
Senior Lecturer of the department
Volodymyr TOVARIANSKYI Major of Civil Defence |
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Lecturer of the department Bohdan HUSAR PhD, Captain of Civil Defence Servise |
Adjunct of the department
Mykola SHVETS Captain of Civil Defence Service |
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Adjunct of the department
Ivan ADOLF Captain of Civil Defence Service |
Courses are taught at the department:
Scientific-methodical work of the department:
The following manuals were published at the department to ensure the teaching and methodological process:
- Automotive Training Manual Part 1. Vasilyeva O.E., Sabirov E.G. (MES stamp);
- "Foam quenching" Kovalyshin V.V., Vasilyeva O.E., Kozyar N.M. (MES stamp);
- «Engineering and Special Engineering of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine» (MES stamp);
- Electronic manual with interactive simulators «Working with pumping installations of fire trucks» Renkas A.G., Prydatko O.V. (vulture of the Scientific Council of LSU LS);
- Manual "Hydraulic and emergency rescue equipment" Rankas A.G., Sychevsky M.I., Prydatok O.V. (vulture of the Scientific Council of LSU LS);
- Textbook "Materials Science and Technology of Materials" Vasilyeva O.E., Pasnak I.V. (vulture of the Scientific Council of LSU LS);
- Tutorial "Fundamentals of Fire Extinguishers Operation" Kovalyshyn V.V., Krisa I.Y., Vasilyeva O.E., Kirilov Y.A .(received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);
- Tutorial "Fire trucks. Part 1 »Popovich V.V., Renkas A.G. (vulture of the Scientific Council of LSU LS);
- Tutorial "Vehicles" N.I. Sychevskiy, A.G. Renkas, O.V. Prydatko

- Tutorial "Materials Technology" Vasilyeva O.E., Pasnak I.V. (MESF Youth Press, Letter 1 / 11-16833 dated 29.10.12);
- Tutorial "Road Transport. Fundamentals of construction. Pidhorodetsky Y.I., Sychevsky M.I., Dominik A.M. (MESF Youth Grief, Letter 1 / 11-4364 dated 26.02.13).

Material-technical base:

In December 2010, the department completed the creation of a modern multimedia lecture hall, which uses the latest educational technologies, including the interactive Smart Sympodium tablet and provides wireless Internet access.

Areas of research:
Deputy Head of the Department Sychevsky M.I. is working on a dissertation research on the theme: "Optimization of the combination of modes of operation of the engine and pumping installation of a fire truck" (Head - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Gaschuk P.M.)
Associate Professor Vasilyeva O.E. completes work on doctoral dissertation "Multiparameter synthesis of cylindrical gears of reducers taking into account their vibrations under the influence of dynamic loads" (scientific consultant - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Kuzio I.V.) and published 40 scientific papers in professional editions materials of the dissertation.

Lekturer Prydatak O.V. working on a Ph.D. thesis on "Project-oriented approach in the preparation of a modern firefighter-rescuer" (Head - Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Renkas AG)

Science students and cadets:

Cultural events, entertainment:

Scientific research work:
Among the scientific problems that are solved by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, the following are the leading ones:
- introduction of innovative training tools based on interactive training systems and automated testing system Smart Senteo;

- development and implementation of remote-controlled fire extinguishing systems;

- application of fire and adapted equipment for extinguishing forest fires;
- prevention of processes of spontaneous combustion of coal mine dumps;
- study of temperature stresses in structural elements.
- International scientific and technical conference "Dynamics, reliability and durability of mechanical and biomechanical systems and structural elements", Sevastopol-2012;
- IV Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Fire Extinguishing and Emergency Management", Cherkasy;
- International Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of quality and durability of gearings of gear units, their parts and components", Kharkiv-2012;
- 10th International Symposium of Ukrainian Mechanical Engineers in Lviv, 2012;
- VI International Specialized Exhibition POZHTECH-2012;
- International scientific-practical conference "Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, perspectives".
In 2012 the department received one patent of Ukraine for invention (Pasnak I.V., Vasilyeva O.E.) and three patents of Ukraine for utility model.

Information for entrants:
The department prepares specialists of the direction "Transport technologies", whose professional activity consists in the development, improvement and implementation of effective schemes for the organization of road traffic with the use of modern technical means of traffic organization and elements of automated traffic management system, as well as components of the technological process of passenger passenger transportation. transportation. Trained professionals can successfully design (improve) traffic management schemes and technological processes of road transportation on urban, long-distance and international routes.
The program of training in the specialty "Transport Technologies" provides training of specialists for work in the following branch offices:
SES of Ukraine;
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
State Customs Service of Ukraine;
Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
The main positions that a graduate can work in:
Inspector of the Road Safety Service of the Ministry of Emergencies in Ukraine;
Inspector of State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
Inspector of occupational safety and health of the road transport enterprise;
Transportation engineer;
Traffic Safety Engineer;
Road Transport Auditor;
Freight forwarder;
Engineer of information-computing center of motor transport enterprise;
Transportation Service Manager;
Road Transport Manager;
Transportation order agent and more.
After receiving the Bachelor's Degree in Transportation Technology, our students have the opportunity to continue their studies and obtain a Master's degree in the following specialties:
"Organization and regulation of traffic"
«Organization of transportation and management on transport»
"Project management"
During the second year, our students receive FREE training and additionally receive a working profession "Driver of a vehicle" and a license of the driver of the category "ВC"
All third- and fourth-year full-time students have the opportunity to pursue a second higher education at the DEPARTMENT OF PARLIAMENT and to receive the rank of junior reserve lieutenant upon completion of their studies.
Students are trained in fire and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, in the Lviv State Automobile Inspectorate of Traffic Police, at motor transport enterprises of Ukraine, as well as abroad, in particular in the Republic of Poland.
Certificate Competition Subjects:
Ukrainian language and literature
Mathematics (profile)
Physics or Foreign Language (optional)
Contact telephones: (032) 233-05-05; (067) 926-74-85
e-mail: [email protected]