Department of fire tactics and emergency rescue operations
Fire tactics and emergency rescue works are the basis for people rescue, eliminating of natural, man-made and social emergencies. Every day dozens of people die from the dangerous factors of fires and accidents. That's why from the rescuers skills, the speed of their decision in difficult situations human’s life depends.
The history of the department dates back to 1954 - from the moment of creation of LFTS, which consisted of five cycles:
· Fire and tactical cycle;
· Cycle of fire engineering;
· A cycle of fire prevention;
· Cycle of social sciences;
· Military cycle;
Since June 26, 2013, the head of the Department of fire tactics and rescue operations was appointed a Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Academic of the Lift and Transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Gulida Eduard.
The department has a highly qualified professorial teaching staff:
The following training laboratories were created by the efforts of the scientific-pedagogical staff of the department of FT and RO:
· Computer laboratory of psychological training of the head of the elimination of emergency;
· Laboratory of fire tactics and dynamics of fires;
· Fire test laboratory;
· Training room for the organization of emergency rescue works;
· Training room of organization the elimination of emergencies;
· Training room for preparation of gas-smoke defender.
The Department of FT and RO provides training for specialists in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil Protection", specialty 261 "Fire safety", specialties "Fire safety", "Automatic fire protection systems", "Fire safety in construction", "Audit of fire and technogenic safety", as well as an educational master's degree in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil Protection", specialty 261"Fire safety", specialization "Fire safety". Cadets and students of the department FT and RO acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the fire fighting tactics and conduct emergency and rescue works at objects of various functional purposes: tank farm, airport, veneer plant, thermal power station, elevator, railway, etc.
Cadets and students of the department of FT and RO in the process of studying are mastering the following professions:
- Head of the guard of the state fire and rescue unit;
- Head of the department of the state fire and rescue post;
- Leading specialist of civil protection of cities, districts in cities, region areas;
- Head of the rescue unit department;
- Engineer on fire and rescue works.
Future specialists in the field of fire safety are studying the following disciplines: Preparation of Firefighter (PF), Prepation of Gas Smoke Defender (PGSD), Organization of Service and Vocational Training (OSVT), Firefighting Tactics (FT), Tactics of Emergency Elimination (TEE), Tactics of Firefighting and Rescue Works (TFRW), Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research and Engineering Theory of the First Experiment (MOSRETFE), Methodology and Organization of Research in Fire Safety (MORFS), Basic Theory of Reliability and Technological Risk (BTRTR), Planning of Experiments (PE).
A number of textbooks and manuals were published for the improvement of the quality of teaching by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of FT and ERO: S.Yu. Dmytrovskyy, V.I. Lushch, P.V. Semeniuk "Fundamentals of firefighting training": taught. manual. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing, 2011. - 296 p., recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Bolibrukh B.V. Fundamentals of organization of tactical training in the subdivisions of the Central Statistical Bureau: Textbook. Part I / B. V. Bolibrukh, V. V. Koshelenko, R. V. Parkhomenko, B. M. Peretyatko. - Kamyanets-Podilsky: P.P. "Medobory-2006", 2010 - 352 p.; Together with the Ukrainian NIFS, the Ministry for Emergencies developed: National Standard of Ukraine "Firefighter's protective clothing - General technical requirements and test methods" (ISO 11613: 1999, NEQ, EN 469: 1995, NEQ) DSTU 4366: 2004 (Bolibrukh B.V.); National standard of Ukraine "Fire-fighting equipment. Motorcycle firefighters. General technical requirements and test methods" (EN 14043: 2005, IDT), DSTU EN 14043: 2008 (Chalyy D.O.); National Standard of Ukraine "Protective Thermal Reflector Fire Wear: General Technical Requirements and Test Methods" DSTU 7141: 2009 (Bolibrukh B.V. Shtain B.V.);
Basarab V.Z. Organization of emergency rescue works. Tutorial Part I / V.Z. Basarab V.V. Koshelenko, B.V. Bolibrukh, V.M. Kovalchuk. - Lviv: P.P. "I.M.Neofita" - 2010 - 193 p.; Kovalyshyn V.V., Kuskovets S.L., Lushch V.I. Fundamentals of creation and operation of means of personal protection of respiratory organs. Lviv - 2011. - 439 p.; Parkhomenko R.V. Fire tactics: Practice. Kind. 2-th / R.V. Parkhomenko, B.V. Bolibrukh, D.O. Chalyy. - Kamyanets-Podilsky: P.P. "Medobory-2006", 2012. - 408 p.; Tarnavsky A. B. Technogenic safety of nuclear power plants: Part I: Training manual / Tarnavsky A. B., Sukach R. Yu., Sukach Yu. G. - Lviv: LSULS, 2014 - 372 p.; Sukach R.Yu. Organization of service and vocational training in the SES of Ukraine: Part I: Textbook / Sukach R. Yu., Loik V. B. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 113p .; Sukach R.Yu. Organization of service and vocational training in the SES of Ukraine: Part II: Textbook / Sukach R. Yu., Loyik V. B. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 343 p.; Memorial for the firefighter rescuer. Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 68 p.; Memo for gas smoke defenders / Structure.Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 68 p.; Renkas A.G. Firefighting director / Sychevsky M.I., Pasnak I.V., Rudenko D.V., Tsaruk T.R., Shtain B.V., Bolibrukh B.V., Klymiyk M.M., Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V., Mikhalichko B.M. - Kyiv: UkrNDICP, 2016 - 320 p.; Parkhomenko R.V . Fire tactics: course of lectures / R.V. Parkhomenko, D.O. Chaliy, D.P. Voitovych - Lviv: LSULS, 2017 - 368 p.; Lushch V. I. Smoke extinguishing at a fire: a manual / V.I. Lushch, O.V. Lazarenko - Lviv: LSULS, 2017 - 100 p.; Sukach R. Yu. Organization of service and training of fire and rescue subdivisions / R. Yu. Sukach, D.O. Chalyy. - Lviv: LSULS, 2018. - 527 p.
At the department of FT and ERO are conducted research works on the topic: "The state of civil protection in the world: typologies, best practices and economic recovery" (Lushch V.I., Loik V.B., Kobylkin D.S.); "Providing fire safety and eliminating fires at woodworking enterprises" (Gulida E.M.); "Development of a method for conducting classes on a multi-purpose simulator (simulator) of container type" (Parkhomenko R.V., Lushch V.I.).
The staff of the department are active participants in international projects within the framework of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union, among them: "EU-CHEM-REACT 2018"; "Support for the education of voluntary fire brigades and professional qualifications of rescue services of Ukraine".
The Department of FT and ERO carries out practical training of specialists on a modern multifunctional container type simulator, located on the territory of the training ground of the University.

History of the department:
By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR from April 26, 1954, from May 4 to May 10, 1954, the Kyiv Polytechnic School was re-deployed to Lviv and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in May 1954 was renamed into the Lviv FTS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The LFTS consisted of five cycles:
- fire tactical cycle;
- cycle of fire engineering;
- fire prevention cycle;
- cycle of social sciences;
- military cycle.
Department staff:
The department has a highly qualified teaching staff: 1 doctor of sciences, professor, 7 candidates of sciences, associate professors and other experienced teachers. The employees of the department take an active part in international projects, scientific-practical conferences, symposiums, expanded sessions and seminars.
Research and teaching staff:
Courses are taught at the department:
Scientific-methodical work of the department:
The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is constantly working on the publication of textbooks, manuals and methodological literature for the provision of educational process
Thus, during 2009-2018 academic and pedagogical workers of the department issued:
1. S.Yu. Dmytrovskyy, V.I. Lushch, P.V. Semeniuk "Fundamentals of firefighting training": taught. manual. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing, 2011. - 296 p., recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
2. Kovalyshyn V.V., Kuskovets S.L., Lushch V.I. Fundamentals of creation and operation of means of personal protection of respiratory organs. Lviv - 2011. - 439 p.

3. Parkhomenko R.V. Fire tactics: Practice. Kind. 2-th / R.V. Parkhomenko, B.V. Bolibrukh, D.O. Chalyy. - Kamyanets-Podilsky: P.P. "Medobory-2006", 2012. - 408 p.
5. Kovalchuk V.M. Classification of emergency situations by their origin and levels. Emergency Situations Analysis: Textbook / V.M. Kovalchuk, D.O. Chalyy, D.P. Voitovych - Lviv: LSULS - 160 p.
6. Tarnavsky A. B. Technogenic safety of nuclear power plants: Part I: Training manual / Tarnavsky A. B., Sukach R. Yu., Sukach Yu. G. - Lviv: LSULS, 2014 - 372 p.

7. Sukach R.Yu. Organization of service and vocational training in the SES of Ukraine: Part I: Textbook / Sukach R. Yu., Loik V. B. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 113p .
8. Sukach R.Yu. Organization of service and vocational training in the SES of Ukraine: Part II: Textbook / Sukach R. Yu., Loyik V. B. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 343 p.

9. Kovalyshyn V.V., Lushch V.I., Parkhomenko R.V. Fundamentals of gas smoke protection service. Textbook - Lviv: LSULS. - 390 p. Recommended for publication by the decision of the Academic Council of the Lviv State University of Life Safety.

10. Renkas A.G. Firefighting director / Sychevsky M.I., Pasnak I.V., Rudenko D.V., Tsaruk T.R., Shtain B.V., Bolibrukh B.V., Klymiyk M.M., Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V., Mikhalichko B.M. - Kyiv: UkrNDICP, 2016 - 320 p.

11. Memorial for the firefighter rescuer. Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 68 p.

12. Memo for gas smoke defenders / Structure.Lushch V.I., Lazarenko O.V. - Lviv: LSULS, 2015 - 68 p.

13. Parkhomenko R.V . Fire tactics: course of lectures / R.V. Parkhomenko, D.O. Chaliy, D.P. Voitovych - Lviv: LSULS, 2017 - 368 p.

14. Lushch V. I. Smoke extinguishing at a fire: a manual / V.I. Lushch, O.V. Lazarenko - Lviv: LSULS, 2017 - 100 p.

15. Sukach R. Yu. Organization of service and training of fire and rescue subdivisions / R. Yu. Sukach, D.O. Chalyy. - Lviv: LSULS, 2018. - 527 p.

Material-technical base:
There are three laboratories and three offices for the educational process at the department::
- Computer Laboratory of Psychological Training of the Head of Elimination the Emergency Situations
- Laboratory of fire tactics and dynamics of fires
- Fire test laboratory
- Cabinet of emergency rescue services
- Cabinet of firefighting organization
- Cabinet of gas-smoke defenders preparation
Areas of research:
(scientific advisor, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor V.I. Lushch)
The results of the conducted experiments and their analysis allowed to determine the necessary equipment and techniques for conducting:
- rescue work for the salvation of people in a limited space on vertical sections;
- rescue work for rescuing people of limited space in horizontal areas;
- rescue rescue of domestic and wild animals.

(scientific advisor, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor B.V. Shtain)
To conduct the experiment, an underground reservoir with a mirror area of 0.062 m2 was modeled and filled with gasoline of the brand A-95, because this gasoline is more dangerous than other types of fuel available at the gas station of Ukraine. This study determined the quenching time and the amount of dry ice required to extinguish the fire in the tank. The time of free burning of oil in the reservoir was 5 minutes. Experiments were conducted alternately - using solid carbon dioxide and in combination with a solution of a foaming agent 1%.


a - when one-time addition of solid carbon dioxide;
b - with further addition of solid carbon dioxide
(scientific advisor, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Lazarenko)


Conducting experimental studies on the determination of protective properties:
а – with the use of nozzle RB-12; b – with the use of nozzle NRT-5
(scientific advisor, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor V.B. Loik)
For solving this goal held:
- theoretical studies of fire resistance of vermiculite-silicate slabs have been carried out, and the formulas of fire-retardant plates, which will be used in building fencing structures, have been developed.

Testing samples of test materials
The results of the first stages of the study of building enclosures using vermiculite-silicate plates showed that their fire resistance with existing enclosing structures increases in 3 ... 3,2 times.
The research work "Increase of fire resistance of building fencing structures by application of vermiculite-silicate slabs" was approved by the head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine by the Major General of the Civil Protection Service M.O. Chechotkin according to the plan of research works from 25.01.2016.
(scientific advisor candidate of technical sciences O.D. Synelnikov)
Studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of pretreatment of biomass cyanobacteria (ultrasonic and hydrodynamic cavitation), which allowed to increase the completeness of the biomass decomposition. In addition, the expediency of using the spent substrate of cyanobacteria as bioorganic fertilizer has been investigated.
The results of the research showed that the previous hydrodynamic cavitation proved to be the most effective: the synthesis of biogas is increased by 40%; extraction of technical fat from cyanobacteria was able to increase by 3 times.

Science students and cadets:
Under the leadership of the scientific-research members of the department, cadets and students who are members of scientific society carry out research work and take part in scientific conferences and competitions.
Cultural events, entertainment:
Most scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of fire tactics and emergency rescue work are curators of educational groups.
Each curator of the group relies on the following tasks: education of cadets of the culture of behavior, formation of high moral qualities in them, ensuring the unity of pedagogical requirements on the part of service and training, organization, in case of need, assistance to students (moral, psychological), building the relationship between cadets in the team on a democratic basis, cooperation, promotion of self-government development.
During the period of their curator, the department's staff did a lot of work, they carried out a number of activities aimed at improving the executive discipline, raising the level and quality of success in the ensemble group, namely: from the first days of training and services with the group held collective and individual conversations, meetings, thematic conversations , featured movie reviews. Constantly, work is under way to strengthen friendship and community in the group. To this end, cultural walks are carried out at the Lviv Historical Museum of the Palazzo Banginelli, the Memorial Museum of Victims of the Occupation Regimes "Prison on Lontsky", the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Krushelnytska, Museum-Arsenal, Lviv Historical Museum, royal halls, Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music.
Scientific research work:
Deputy Chief of the Department Colonel of the Civil Protection Service, V. I. Lushch developed together with Professor Kovalyshin V.V. foam barrel combined shaft that is designed to feed foam of average multiplicity at a distance of at least 20 meters to extinguish fires of Class A (solids), B (flammable and combustible substances). This shaft is successfully used on the Lviv railway, in particular, the effectiveness of its use is noted during the accident with the release of yellow phosphorus in the village of Ozhydiv
Also, on the basis of LSULS under the leadership of Deputy Chief of the Department Colonel of the Civil Protection Service, V. Lushch a device for supplying a finely divided water jet for the deposition of combustion products, increasing visibility, and reducing the temperature in smoky rooms has been developed. This device improves the functioning of the gas-smoke defender service units, facilitates quicker search and rescue of the victims.
At present scientific and pedagogical staff of the department conduct the following dissertation researches:
1. "Improvement of the efficiency of quenching of peat deformations and peatlands" (Sukach R.Yu.)
2. "Increase of fire safety of materials on the basis of epoxime-based compositions of modified cuprum (II) hexafluorosilicate" (Parkhomenko V.P.O.)
3. "Improving the efficiency of the cooling process and reducing the optical density of smoke in enclosed spaces during the elimination of a fire" (Shtangret N.O.)
Information for entrants:
The Educational and Scientific Institute of Fire and Technogenic Safety of the Lviv State University of Life Sciences prepares bachelors and masters in the specialty 261 "Fire Safety".
The graduates of the institute are prepared to carry out urgent works on the elimination of the consequences of emergencies and the organization of life support of the affected population, as well as to solve organizational, technical and engineering problems with the provision of fire safety, to determine the degree of fire hazard of technological processes by calculation methods, development of engineering solutions for the protection of equipment, structures and buildings, conducting an examination of the design and estimate documentation, monitoring the implementation of the rules of the fire and technogenic safety.
List of positions on which the graduate can work:
- head of the guard of the state fire and rescue unit;
- the head of the department of the state fire and rescue post;
- leading specialist of civil protection of cities, districts in cities, region areas;
- head of the department of the rescue unit;
- engineer on fire and rescue works;
- inspector of the State Inspection of technogenic safety;
- engineer of experimental and testing laboratory;
- engineer in designing fire and extinguishing systems and fire alarm systems;
- engineer for designing anti-smoke protection systems;
- engineer for designing systems and devices for glare protection;
- an expert on the assessment of the fire status of objects;
- specialists of fire safety services of structural units (Ministry of Internal Affairs, SESU, Armed Forces, SSSU, Department of Border Guard Service of Ukraine).