Department of Law and Management in the field of civil protection
General Information
Law is directly related to the formation of a new level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population, which in turn requires the increased attention to issues of legal training and education of future professionals who should know and strictly follow the requirements of laws skillfully apply them in practice.
One of the main tasks of management is to search and use incentives that inherent to each participant of management structure for its systemic use.
The economy is the foundation of any society. Mankind has always lived by economies, and only on this basis politics, science, law, art could exist.
The department was founded in 2001 as a department of management, legal support and inquiry. In 2012 in connection with the introduction into force of the new edition of the Criminal Procedure Code, the state authority of fire safety was denied the right to conduct an inquiry in cases of fires and violation of fire regulations, so there was a need to change the name of the department, which was renamed as Department of Law and Management in the field of civil protection.
The department is headed by PhD (Economic sciences) Oksana Povstyn.
The department provides the training of professionals in educational levels "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master" in the areas of:
- «Fire safety»
- «Practical Psychology"
- «Ecology, Environment and Balanced Exploitation of Nature"
- «Transport technologies»
- «Information Security Management"
- «Civil Protection»
- «Administrative management of information security"
- «Protection of labor"
- «Social Work»
- «English-Ukrainian translation"
The activities of the department staff are aimed at training of highly qualified specialists for Fire and Rescue Departments of SES of Ukraine, at the formation of their intellectual, volitional and communication features that they will apply in their daily lives and future careers.
History of the department:
The activities of the staff of the department are aimed at forming a personality and training highly qualified specialists for bodies and departments of the SES of Ukraine, forming their intellectual, volitional and communicative traits that they will use in everyday life and further professional activities in emergency response population, solving organizational, technical, engineering problems with fire safety, man-made safety and civil protection.
The department was founded in 2001 as the Department of Management, Legal Support and Inquiry. In 2012, due to the entry into force of the new version of the Criminal Procedure Code, the state fire service was deprived of the right to investigate fires and violations of fire regulations, so there was a need to change the name of the department, renamed the Department of Law and Management in the field of civil protection.
The department is temporarily headed by the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Samilo Andrey Viktorovich.
The main activities of the department are the study of legal, managerial and economic aspects of civil security. In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the popularity of such professions as sales manager, logistics manager, HR manager, crisis manager, project manager. Basic education of the future leader can be any - economic, technical, philological, but it is extremely important to form his managerial competence.
It is well known that managers form the goals of the organization, provide it with resources, plan and exercise control, make decisions and organize activities. The personality of the manager is the main factor in ensuring the effective development of the enterprise.
Minutes № 48/1 of the meeting of the Licensing Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 13, 2017 decided to issue a license for educational activities of the first (bachelor) level to Lviv State University of Life Safety in specialty 073 "Management" (specialization Management of organizations and administration ”).
At the same time, the department trains specialists with a master's degree in the mentioned specialty (specialization "Project Management").
Department staff:
Research and teaching staff:
Courses are taught at the department:
Scientific-methodical work of the department:
Employees of the department published a number of teaching aids and scientific monographs that are used in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine and they are implemented in the educational process of the University, including:
• «Organisation of fire prevention work"
• «Administrative and legal activities of the departments of SES of Ukraine"
• «Practical Guide to Fire Safety"
• «Environmental Law»
• «Economic theory" (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science as a tutorial for students and cadets of higher educational institutions)
• scientific monograph "Markets of economic resources in Ukraine: Problems of installing and state regulation"
• «Training workshop on administrative law in the field of fire safety"
• «Insurance fund of documentation"
• «The legal framework of civil protection: a tutorial"
• «Guide of normative and legal acts on licensing activities to provide services and perform work of fire-fighting"
Material-technical base:
For the proper organization of the educational process, the department is equipped with modern laboratories, classrooms, offices.
The multimedia training center provides the opportunity to conduct trainings, video conferences, online connections with national and international information portals. This allows you to conduct quality business meetings, practical classes with students. The classroom is equipped with the latest computer, multimedia and interactive equipment with appropriate software for the proper organization of the educational process. It is designed for 57 seats. The Multimedia Training Center provides the educational process of training applicants for higher education in the following educational components of the educational and professional program: marketing, theory of organizations, security management, law and others.
The Crisis Management Center is designed to conduct practical training for higher education students and gain skills in management, monitoring, obtaining comprehensive knowledge in the field of theory and practice of crisis situations at the development stages of organizations, as well as studying methodological approaches to security. Students and cadets analyze some ways to prevent and overcome the crisis in the enterprise. In the process of training future specialists and proper organization of the educational process, the department provides teaching of specialized disciplines in four state-of-the-art classrooms. They are designed for 6 workstations equipped with powerful personal computers DiaWest (intel core TM i5 7400 / s1151 / 2x4GB 2400 MHz / SSD 250 Gb / Radeon R7 350 2 Gb / 500W), operating system Ubuntu pack 20.04 LLC "UALINUX", and also software (Office 365) that allows you to monitor and coordinate tasks, commands and resources. Teachers' workplaces are equipped with interactive tools that adapt the processes of teaching new theoretical material to modern requirements. To display images, the audience is equipped with appropriate multimedia tools. Crisis Management Center provides the educational process of training higher education in the following educational components of the educational and professional program: crisis management, crisis communication management, public administration and self-government.
The situation center is designed to conduct practical classes with students to analyze the impact of various risk factors on the functioning and development of the enterprise (institution, organization), and prevent their occurrence. The center allows for rapid diagnostics and in-depth diagnosis of the financial condition of the enterprise in order to identify potential (hidden) and existing hazardous factors and phenomena. The situation center was created to in-depth study of the main directions of overcoming adverse situational phenomena at the enterprise, due to internal and external factors, the development of complex and unpopular management decisions to develop the enterprise. The training is conducted in three modern classrooms, which are equipped with twenty Lenovo V15 laptops (IIL Iron Gray 15.6 FHD / intel core i3 1005 G1 / 4GB / 128 GB SSD), multimedia projectors, 25 personal computers, as well as software for broadcasting images on student jobs. The audience of the center provides the implementation of the educational process of training higher education in the following educational components of the educational and professional program: national economy, macroeconomics, global economy, microeconomics.
The Office of Operations Management is designed to conduct practical classes with students to develop skills in defining and planning the goals of organizations, departments and units to perform tasks. Students study the main functions of managers in management, determine the need for manpower, recruitment, incentives for staff to achieve the goals of organizations. The audience is equipped with 31 computers, an interactive Smart Sympodium tablet, a multimedia projector, peripherals for output (plotter, color printer), 3D printer WanHao Mini., Libreoffice software. The Cabinet of Operations Management provides for the implementation of the educational process of training higher education in the following educational components: operational management, accounting and auditing, economics and finance of the enterprise, administrative management.
The Laboratory of Intelligent Modeling of a Secure Future was established to develop basic and applied research related to the detection, prevention and management of risks in enterprises, organizations and institutions. The Laboratory of Intellectual Education provides the educational process of training higher education students in the following educational components: strategic management, time management, risk management, etc.
StartUp-center (at the stage of implementation) is formed to ensure the development of the system of effective use of the innovative potential of the University, support and improvement of scientific and educational activities. The center is created to properly perform such functions as:
organization of scientific and information support of research works, the result of which provides for the creation of innovations in the field of management;
promoting the effective use of information resources of the University to solve problems in the field of management;
organization of events for exchange of experience and informing the University staff about new domestic and foreign innovations in the field of management;
analysis of innovative activity of structural divisions of the University, formation of analytical reports;
interaction with innovative structural subdivisions of domestic and foreign educational institutions;
participation in the organization and holding of scientific forums, thematic exhibitions, events to improve the skills of University staff, round tables to improve the quality of management;
introduction of own developments of innovative technologies, software, etc .;
provision of consulting services in patent activity;
creation of own database on innovations in management;
preparation for the publication of information and promotional materials on the achievements of the University in innovation;
preparation of materials for filling, supporting and updating the information of the University's website on innovation;
organization of scientific and technical exhibitions with demonstration of innovative achievements of the University;
involvement in cooperation of foreign specialists and organizations (grant programs), development of international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of innovation for management.
The Center provides the educational process of training higher education in the following educational components: innovation management, management of foreign economic activity, management activities in the bodies and departments of civil protection and work with staff.
The conference hall is designed for classes of students with higher education practical classes and management skills in organizations, as well as for seminars, round tables, conferences, competitions, business meetings. Students learn the basic functions of managers. The conference hall is designed for 140 seats, equipped with two TVs, flip charts, a multimedia projector, a personal computer, a round table for business meetings.
Areas of research:
Areas of the department researches
The priority area of research of pedagogical staff is participation in developing of legal security in the field of civil protection.
The main areas of department research are:
• Development of legal security in the field of fire safety and civil protection.
• Economic aspects of fire safety as a part of national security.
• Resource market in the national economy of Ukraine.
• Management of the development of Fire Prevention: historical aspects.
• Terrorism: anthropogenically-legal approach.
• Tax regulations in the system of management of the national economy.
• Protection of building structures under the influence of high temperatures of fire.
• Risk management in various areas of human activity.
Science students and cadets:
Scientific work of students and cadets:
Every year the department carried out Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Administrative, legal and economic aspects of the safety of the population and territories". The conference involved adjuncts, graduate students, cadets and students, as well as scientific and pedagogical staff of our university as well as other educational institutions of Ukraine. The conference discussed topical issues of the organization of economic life, government, environmental, industrial and fire safety. In particular, the role of United State System of Civil Protection in system of civil protection in Ukraine, the role of law in formation of the legal culture of human as a subject of life safety, specialities of the legal subsoil of life ensuring, as well as issues of international cooperation in the field of civil protection and others.
According to the result of the conference, it is printed the collection of abstracts:
At the department scientific community of cadets and students is worked actively and they participate in international and national competitions of scientific works, scientific conferences and seminars that held at Lviv State University of Life Safety and other higher education institutions.
Thus, in February-March 2014 in Lviv State University of Life Safety was held International competition for the best scientific work of cadets, students and listener-ins in the field of life safety. As part of this competition cadet Maksymiv O. was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree of the sphere "Information and telecommunication technologies in the field of life safety" for work on the theme: "The concept of the structure of information law and its implementation in Ukraine" (supervisor: major of the civil protection service Samilo A.).
At 72nd student scientific and technical conference "Management of business projects and programs", which took place on the basis of "Lviv Polytechnic" cadet Maksymiv O. presented a report on the theme "Design-oriented management in conditions of emergency situations using geographic information systems". This work was recognized as one of the best among more than 40 other works.
At the 2nd annual competition of projects within the International Day "Project Management", which was held at the Lviv State University of Life Safety cadet Maksymiv O. won the nomination "Audience Choice" and won 2nd place for the jury with the project on the theme "Project Management Model of liquidation of emergencies with the help of rescue using geographic information systems".
Cultural events, entertainment:
Scientific-pedagogical personnel of the department pay much attention to individual and educational work with cadets and students of our educational establishment.
Individual and educational work with persons of ordinary and head composition and workers of departments of civil protection is a systematic, purposeful pedagogical influence on a specific person, whose goal is to educate of trained, highly skilled, morally hardened, disciplined, vigilant and courageous worker who can endure high physical and mental stress, psychological stress, overcome difficulties of service. Conducting of individual work with the personnel that are carried out the system of educational actions that realize with taking into account the individual characteristics of the worker and aimed at creating the needed skills, high professional and personal qualities.
Individual educational work with personnel carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Code of Civil Defense of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, MES and SES of Ukraine, Guidance on social and humanitarian organization working with persons of ordinary and chief composition and workers of departments of civil protection, as well as regulations on the organization and conduct of individual educational work with persons of ordinary and chief composition and workers of departments of civil protection.
Along with individual educational work it is also important patriotic education of cadets and students.
The process of patriotic education of future officers takes place within the overall training as an integral and mandatory part of it. Patriotic education is based on the following principles: education of a sense of pride in their country, respect for national symbols; education of careful attitude to national wealth of Fatherland - language, culture and traditions; the formation of the corporate spirit of responsibility, pride for their team; education on the examples of Ukrainian history, the history of the development of rescuer's work in organic connection with the Ukrainian language, customs and traditions; providing spiritual unity, continuity of generations; formation of correctness of life choices and necessity of rescuer professions in the modern conditions of rising threats of emergencies, technological and fire hazard. Implementation of these principles involves a comprehensive approach in the patriotic education.
In the structure of the socio-economic development of society higher educational establishment have leading place. From the university it depends on the development of intellectual potential of the state and its competitiveness on the global level. Only qualified personnel can provide a competitive advantage in today's tough environment. The role of education as a system whose function acts as transfer and dissemination of knowledge, the formation of specialists competitive in the labor market, grows and needs improvement. To ensure these objectives the restructuring of traditional learning systems is required, implementing the effective forms of improving teacher skills, educational use of effective educational technologies. Pedagogical staff of Law and Management department actively involves in solving the given problem.
In particular, to improve the professional skills and the quality of teaching of educational disciplines, professor of department A. Miller conducted practical training with scientific and pedagogical staff on theme "Methods of using interdisciplinary connections during practical training at production facilities."
To ensure the educational process at the University in the department work: Head of the department PhD (Econimic Sciences) - Oksana Povstyn, professor of the department - Oleg Miller, assistant professor of department - Andrii Kharchuk, Associate Professor PhD (Econimic Sciences) - Olga Martyn, senior lecturer of the department, colonel of civil protection service – Volodymyr Kuzylyak, senior lecturer of department, major of civil protection service – Andrii Samilo, Senior lecturer Ph.D. (Technical Scienses), captain of civil protection service – Roman Yakovchuk, senior lecturer Ph.D. (Technical Scienses), captain of civil protection service – Sergii Emelianenko, a senior lecturer of the department - Mariana Kupchak, lecturer - Pavlina Dubynetska, lecturer of department, major of civil protection service – Zoryana Hontar.
Scientific research work:
Zachko O.B., Ivanusa A.I., Kobilkin D.S. Project management: theory, practice, information technology. - Lviv: LSULS, 2019. - 173 p.
The textbook "Project Management: Theory, Practice, Information Technology" contains basic terms and concepts, as well as innovative methods and models in the field of project management in the civil defense system. The textbook discusses a practical project to create a fire and rescue unit using the application software MS Project. After each topic there are questions for self-control to consolidate the studied material, and at the end of the manual is a final test to determine the level of knowledge acquired in the field of project management.
The textbook is intended for students majoring in 073 "Management" and 122 "Computer Science". It can be useful for professionals working in the field of project management and use the MS Project program in their daily activities, as well as graduate students and researchers.
Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Minutes № 9 of April 17, 2019)
Kupchak M. Ya., Samilo A.V. Tax Management. Tutorial. - Lviv, 2020. - 185 p.
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the curriculum of the discipline "Tax Management", which is studied by future specialists in the specialty 073 "Management".
The textbook "Tax Management" is compiled in structural and logical schemes, which will achieve the didactic goal of building the optimal in terms of rational assimilation and time saving structure of scientific knowledge.
The manual reflects the conceptual and categorical apparatus of tax management, taking into account the level of development of public economic and legal relations and reveals the main provisions of tax law.
The manual is intended for students of higher education institutions, future specialists in the field of economics, law, management and administration.
Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the Lviv State University of Life Safety (Minutes № 3 of "30" October 2020).
A.V. Samilo, R.M. Yakovchuk. Legal aspects of terrorism: genesis, theory and current trends. Monograph.-Lviv: LSU BJD Publishing House. 2019 - 182p.
The monograph examines the problems of international terrorism, considers the most important legal aspects of terrorism. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of philosophical and legal norms of modern terrorism, the connection between terrorism and organized crime is analyzed. Signs, causes and types of terrorism are highlighted; main directions and means of terrorist activity. Recommended for research and teaching staff, cadets, students and students of universities of the SES of Ukraine.
Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Minutes №3 of October 30, 2019).
Gontar Z.G., Kupchak M.Ya., Kharchuk AI Administrative Law. - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2019. - 172 p.
The textbook "Administrative Law" is prepared in accordance with the curriculum of the discipline, which is studied by future specialists of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies in the field of management and administration.
For students to master the theory as a holistic system of knowledge, the textbook is compiled in structural and logical schemes, which will achieve the didactic goal of building the optimal in terms of rational learning and saving time structure of scientific knowledge. The textbook reflects the main provisions relating to state and legal phenomena and relations that arise in the regulation of administrative law, the conceptual apparatus, taking into account the level of development of public relations in general and the level of development of modern law.
The textbook is intended for students of higher education institutions, future professionals in the field of law, management and administration and anyone interested in solving administrative and legal problems, including in the civil protection system.
Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Minutes № 4 of November 27, 2019).
R. Yakovchuk, A. Samilo. Jurisprudence and legal bases of civil protection. Textbook - Lviv: LSULS, 2017.-484p.
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the curriculum in the discipline "Jurisprudence and Legal Fundamentals of Civil Protection" and aims to promote the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge of cadets, students and trainees on the basic principles of human rights, freedoms and responsibilities; general principles of the constitutional order of Ukraine; labor, environmental, civil, family, criminal, criminal procedural, administrative law; legal bases for preventing and combating corruption; main provisions of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of civil protection. Considerable attention is paid to the main provisions of laws and bylaws on the activities of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies in the legal field of prevention and elimination of emergencies of various kinds.
Information for entrants:
Dear entrants!
We invite you to study at Lviv State University of Life Safety, which is a leading higher educational establishment of SES of Ukraine. Entrants from numbers of persons who are not persons of ordinary and commanding structure of departments of civil protection of SES of Ukraine who wish to enter the Lviv State University of Life Safety in full-time education by state order, to process the personal file of the candidate to study, personally address a written application to the heads of the departments of SES of Ukraine for permanent residence from January 1 to June 1 entry. Persons of ordinary and commanding structure of department of SES of Ukraine who wish to study at the Lviv State University of Life Safety, submit a report by a team from January 1 to June 1 year of entry.
The history of Lviv State University of Life Safety of SES of Ukraine starts to create the improvement courses for officers of fire safety in 1947 in Kyiv. Today it is a modern, with a strong scientific, educational and material base and glorious traditions the educational establishment where highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff teaches and educates young professionals to departments of SES of Ukraine. During the existence of the institution it was made 81 graduates of full-time and part-time education, about 30 thousand people. Today, our graduates work at fire and rescue service in all countries of the Commonwealth. Among them are 47 generals; our graduates are headed by most regional departments of SES of Ukraine, 8 persons - departments of republics of the former Soviet Union, 357 - in other leadership positions. For courage and selflessness that were revealed during the performance of their tasks, 11 graduates were awarded by military orders and 239 - medals "For Courage on fire", 25 of them - twice.
Lviv State University of Life Safety provides education related to the provision of higher education in 25 educational and professional training programs of Bachelor, Specialist and Master's of full-time and part-time study. Fruitful learning of cadets and students the full scope of necessary professional, socio-economic and humanities disciplines contribute more than 100 modern classrooms, spacious lecture halls equipped with all necessary for their application in projection and multimedia technology, 8 computer classes, modern two-store library complex on 220 seats with 2 rooms with connecting electronic library to the "Internet", Center software and computer technology, athletic facilities, summer sports training center etc. For enhancing of professional training of rescuer at the University it was created psychological training center for training fire and rescue teams and computer laboratory for psychological training of the head of liquidation of emergencies, that gives the opportunity to bring near the rescuer's work to real conditions during fire and during liquidations of emergencies. Educational process at the University provides a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff among which: · 25 – associate professors, professors; · 125 - Candidates of Sciences, docents. As a part of University it is functioned Institute of Fire and Technical Safety, Civil Protection Institute, Institute of Psychology and Social Protection, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Department of Correspondence Study and Distance Learning, Higher professional school of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Vinnytsya).
Civilians and persons of ordinary and commanding structure of departments Of SES of Ukraine who wish to study at the Lviv State University of Life Safety on public order, to process the personal file of the candidate to study, personally should direct with a written application (submit a report on command) to the heads of departments of SES of Ukraine according the place of residence (service) and submit documents by order of reception and selection for training to universities of MES of Ukraine approved by order of the MES of Ukraine in 09.03.2006 № 126 (with changes and additions) from January 1 until June 1, 2014. Persons who come to study at the expense of individuals and legal entities, personally direct with a written application (report), which indicate the shape and direction of education in the University entrance examination.
Females in full-time education for public order in the direction of training (specialty) "Fire Safety" and "Civil protection" are not accepted. When submitting the application (report) entrant presents personally:
• document of a state example about complete secondary education and annex to it;
• certificate of external independent evaluation corresponding to the list of competitive subjects that are specified by selection committee of university;
• medical certificate form 086-0;
• Passport (birth certificate for persons at age who do not have passports), military ticket (certificate of origin to the recruiting station).
• document of a state example about complete secondary education and annex to it, according to the personal choice, originals or certified copies;
• certificate of external independent evaluation corresponding to the list of competitive subjects that are specified by selection committee of university (original or certified copy);
• medical certificate form 086-0 (original or certified copy);
• 6 photos, size 3 × 4 cm without corners.
An entrant may submit other documents if he claims to benefits by the legislation of Ukraine.
All original copies certified by the higher education establishment to which they are submitted, or the established order.