Українська Англійська

Council of Cadet and Student Government of the Institute

  Constant progress and improvement is inherent to everyone who works and studies at our Institute. Therefore, the Council of cadets and student government constantly carries out activities to encourage the students to moral self-improvement, desire for a positive moral ideal. 

Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government – fourth year cadet Honchar A.V. 

Members of the Council of cadets and student government





Surname, first name


Job title and area of work.
Honchar A.V.  

Deputy Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government

І course
Prokhyra A-M.Yu. 

Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government for the 1st year students 

ІІ course
Oliinyk V.O. Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government for the 2nd year students 
ІІІ course
Kaliuzhnyi B.O. Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government for the 3rd year students 
V course
Pritsko M.I. Chairman of  the Council of cadets and student government for the 4th year  students


          The main aim of the Council of cadets and student government, as an important element of improvement of educational work is the intensification of processes of social activity growth in the cadet and student environment, initiative and responsibility for assigned cases, and the harmonious development of personality of cadets, students and trainees, the possibility to get leader and organizer skills, and to become an exemplary officer. The cadets and student government implement the following main tasks to ensure the active participation of students in the processes of improving the educational process,  and the quality of education spirituality and culture, to increase social engagement, and accountability for assigned work, the realization of creative abilities of youth. The main tasks are:
  • conduct institutional, scientific, cultural, sports and other events;
  • accept acts which regulate their organization and activities;
  • promote the employment of persons enrolled in higher education;
  •  manage cash and other property that are on their balance sheets and Bank account;
  • contribute to the formation of the cadets and students Patriotic feelings, respect for Ukraine, their native city and Alma mater, as well as  national identity and self-esteem;
  • protect the rights and interests of the students and help in their needs in their study, life, recreation
  • promote education, research and creative activities of the students;
  • contribute to creating the necessary conditions for living and leisure of students;
  • organize cooperation with cadets and students of other educational institutions and youth non-political organizations;
  • promote the students participation  in international, all-Ukrainian, interregional, regional and other projects, competitions, conferences, ;
  • with the help of relevant services of the University provide  information, legal, psychological assistance to cadets and students ;
  • promote healthy lifestyle, prevent the Commission of cadets and students of violations and the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc;
  • carry out information and publishing activities;  
  • cooperate and coordinate work with teachers, curators of educational groups;
  • .may be the founder of charitable funds.
  • accept acts which regulate their organization and activities;
  • conduct institutional, scientific, cultural, sports and other events;
  • promote the employment of persons enrolled in the University ;
  • manage cash and other property that are on their balance sheets and Bank accounts.

      In coordination with the student government of the institute the following decisions are accepted:

  • expulsion of persons enrolled in higher education, and restore training;
  • transfer student, cadet, graduate student, who is studying in a higher educational institution by state order for training under the contract at the expense of individuals and legal entities;
  • transfer of persons enrolled at a higher education institution under the contract at the expense of physical and legal persons for training by the state order;
  • appointment of Deputy Dean, Vice-rector, responsible for working with staff;
  • hostel accommodation of persons enrolled in university and expulsion.


The Council of cadets and student government LSU of LS  is a member of  Lviv Student Council and the Ukrainian Association of student self-government. 


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post