Українська Англійська

Новини для абітурієнтів

​On March 15, in Lviv on Second Round, the tenth translators competition among seniors "Lviv European" was held. The contest organizers were the translation company "Language Center" in cooperation with the...
18.03.2014 11:55
​Approximately 1000 young boys and girls with their parents visited Lviv State University of Life Safety and acquainted with conditions of entrance and studying. 
27.11.2013 17:02
​On November 5 routine rhythm of life in the city was broken by special signals of fire engines. 
27.11.2013 16:27
A lecture on "Impact of Weather Modification on Chernobyl Fallout" for cadets and students of specialty "Ecology and Environment" by Professor of Kingston University (London, UK) Dr. Flowers was held on November 1,...
06.11.2013 15:35
​Yuriy Lakh, an Assocaite professor of the department of information security management presented his report at the 7th International conference IEEE "Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems:...
30.10.2013 14:07
​On September, 27 Talaybek Temiraliyev, the State Secretary of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Kirghiz Republic, Chairman of the CIS Interstate Council for emergency situations of natural and man-caused...
30.10.2013 14:04

​Dear colleagues! Dear veterans! The Rescuer Day is a special day for courageous, decent and responsible people. 

30.10.2013 14:00

​Dear rescuers, employees and veterans of the Civil Protection!

30.10.2013 13:58
​On September 13, 2013, within the framework of the XX International Publishers Forum in Lviv,  theatre group participants from Lviv State University of Life Safety (Yuriy Kalynchuk, Yulia Kovalchuk, Olexander ...
30.10.2013 13:44
​Ivan Pasnak, Lecturer of the Department of Vehicle Exploitation and Fire-Rescue Technology, has successfully defended his thesis for obtaining candidate degree in speciality 21.06.02 – fire safety. 
30.10.2013 13:40



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