Українська Англійська

Новини університету

16.11.2021 12:57
LSULS cadets and students continue studies in London

Since the beginning of the academic year, cadets and students of Lviv State University of Life Safety have been studying at Kingston University, majoring in Environmental Science, Cyber Security and English Literature.

12.11.2021 20:00
Student academic mobility expands the educational process boundaries

From the beginning of the new academic year, two students of Lviv State University of Life Safety are studying in Tallinn (Estonia) within the ERASMUS + Learning Mobility of Individuals program (grand KA107-CA64DEEB).

09.11.2021 19:00
VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, prospects" finished

The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, prospects" has finished.

05.11.2021 17:32
VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, prospects» starts

Today at  Lviv State University of Life Safety begins the VI International scientific-practical conference "Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, prospects».

04.11.2021 16:00
LSULS scientific and teaching staff presented researches at the Second international conference on safety of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries (Hefei, China)

Research and teaching staff of Lviv State University of Life Safety, associate professors Oleksandr LAZARENKO and Oleh PAZEN, took part in the Second International Conference on Lithium-Battery Fire Safety (2nd...

02.11.2021 16:49
 Lviv State University of life safety students and cadets continue training in the Main School of Fire Service (Warsaw,Poland)

As part of the agreement between the Lviv State University of Life Safety and the Main School of Fire Service (Warsaw, Republic of Poland) regarding joint study for a master's degree, the University students and cadets arrived to study...

23.10.2021 08:11
Academic mobility finish in Freiberg Mining Academy of LSULS adjunct

From September 20 to October 20, the University adjunct, the captain of civil service Kateryna KOROL finished her academic mobility at the Freiberg Mining Academy in the program framework "Scientific cooperation with the Universities of...

22.10.2021 08:14
Project resumption "Ecologistics - improving the management of solid landfills of household waste in the Lviv region ". Delegation from Main schools of state fire service of Poland visited LSULS

On October 11, as part of the  project "Ecologistics - improving landfill management of solid household waste in the Lviv region "delegation from the Main School of State Fire services of the Republic of Poland arrived at Lviv State...

12.10.2021 16:46
22 rescuers from Ternopil region gain experience on LSULS Fire Module

Today 22 rescuers of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ternopil region headed by the Deputy Head of the Main Department for Emergency Response Yuriy Berestetskyi visited the Training Ground of the Lviv...

09.10.2021 09:13


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University Post