Українська Англійська

Новини університету

On April 17, 2015 department of educational work and social protection in cooperation with Students' and Cadets' Council organised round-table meeting dedicated to Fire Safety Day. The organising comittee has been appointed beforehand....

20.04.2015 19:28
On April, 17 according to the presidential edict of 11....
19.04.2015 21:09

On April, 17 according to the presidential edict of 11.10.2013 # 555/2013, we celebrate the national holiday - Fire Safety Day. This holiday honors people who risk their lives to save others, do recovery work and  extinguish fires.

19.04.2015 20:08

First year cadets of the Institute of Fire and industrial Safety participated at the III Interuniversity Students' scientific and practical conference held in foreigh languages "High quality professional communication as a key to...

15.04.2015 13:00
 Track-and-Field Events Take Place at University

On April 2, 2015, the track-and-field events took place in a riding hall with a cycle race track at Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

According to the results the winners were announced:

Team competition:

15.04.2015 12:21

The department for military training alongside a degree will be established at Lviv state University of Life Safety.

15.04.2015 11:44

The workshops on Easter egss coloring was organised by the department of Ukrainian Studies at Lviv State University of Life Safety.

15.04.2015 11:04
Students and cadets of the institute of civil defense pack the national costumes, remove the make-up and contemplate about just finished staging of “Tytarivna” by Taras Shevchenko. 
01.04.2015 20:29
On march 30, 2015 third year students and cadets of the Institute of Civil Defense produced the theatrical show called “One cannot steel the heart of gold” based on Taras Shevchenko’s poetry. 
01.04.2015 20:08


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University Post