Institute of Psychology and Social Security is administrative, educational and scientific unit that provides humanitarian training of students and cadets of university according to programs based on new concepts of humanitarian higher education in Ukraine. The Institute supervises scientific, research, organizational, methodological and educational work of its departments and structural units. TheInstitute was established to improve management and structure of the University, to improve quality of education and research activities, effective use of human resources, material and technical base, to improve quality training of Bachelor, Specialist and Master educational qualifications within the level education system. The institution primary goal is to provide conditions necessary for an individual to get higher education, the second higher education, training and retraining of specialists for SSES units of Ukraine and according to other ministries, departments and organizations orders. The main subject of the faculty's activity is educational work in a certain area, which includes educational, upbringing, scientific, research, cultural and methodological scopes.
The Institute of Psychology and Social Security trains specialists:
Bachelor's degree in specialty: 035- "Philology", specialization: Translation from English, Translation from German, Translation from French 053 "Psychology" and 231- "Social work".
Master's degree in specialty: 053 - "Psychology, specialization" Practical Psychology; 035- "Philology", specialization: "Translation from English"; 231- "Social work".
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
In addition, teachers of departments provide teaching disciplines for the training of specialists in the following specialties:
- Fire Security
- Civil security;
- Cybersecurity;
- Computer science and information;
- Transport technologies (road transport);
- Ecology.
~~Graduates of our Institute can be successfully employed on the following positions:
- Practical psychologist of law enforcement agencies (SES, MIA, Armed Forces of Ukraine, border service, customs, etc.);
- Practical psychologist in educational institutions (preschools, schools, universities);
- Teacher of psychology;
- Recruitment Manager;
- Advertising manager;
- Consultant psychologist;
- Valeopsychologist, etc .;
- Translator;
- Translator of technical literature;
- Editor-translator;
- Guide-translator;
- Philologist-researcher;
- Junior researcher (philology, linguistics and translations);
State form cadets receive work referrals and are provided with a dormitary for the period of study.