Українська Англійська

Новини університету

November 4 a round table meeting on "Internationalisation of Education: Search an effective model in the context of Ukrainian-Swedish cooperation " was held at the Lviv State University of Life Safety.


21.12.2015 18:50

November 5, 2015 the members of the scientific society, acting at Ukrainian department of our University, participated in intercollegiate student and cadet scientific seminar "Professional communication: language, culture, law", which...

21.12.2015 18:36

October 26 operational visit made to the fire on the Varshaska Street 56 in the apartment was not confirmed. 

13.12.2015 23:10

A spokesman of Lviv State University of Life Safety, author and performer Anton Kruk took part in a concert dedicated to the Day of missile troops and artillery to militaries which was held at the International Peacekeeping and Security...

13.12.2015 23:09

Today, November 4 the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecological safety as the basis of sustainable development. European experience and...

13.12.2015 22:45

Three universities, two interuniversity research meetings, seminars and nationwide webinar were held during October 2015 at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Technical Translation.

13.12.2015 22:44

November 7, 2015, at 11.00 in Lviv State University of Life Safety State Emergency Service of Ukraine it will be held the Open Day. 

13.12.2015 22:42

Graduates of 1995 met in Lviv State University of Life Safety. 

13.12.2015 22:38

October 30, Lviv State University of Life Safety hosted the fourth annual open contest of projects as a part of the "International Day of Project Manager". 

13.12.2015 22:36

The closing ceremony and rewarding of the athletes who participated in the volleyball tournament "Lviv Autumn" took place at the sports hall of Lviv University of Life Safety. 

13.12.2015 22:35


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University Post