Українська Англійська

Новини університету

Specialists, whose tuition fee was paid by either legal or natural persons, graduated from Lviv State...
08.06.2014 19:41
Associate Professor of the department of Information Security Management, N. Kuhars’ka being a...
08.06.2014 19:28
From 4 to 6 June 2014 at the Institute of...
08.06.2014 19:24
Every spring people in Lviv commemorate Ivan Franko. This year, the Zankovets’ka Theatre dedicated two...
07.06.2014 21:19
An individual overdense heat flow detector for protective clothing of different types was tested at the protective...
07.06.2014 21:12
On June 2, 28 students of the Civil Defense Vocational School...
05.06.2014 21:22
«Study tours to Poland» is a ten-day training program for young people from Eastern Europe...
05.06.2014 21:17
On May, 30 a regular meeting of Interdepartmental Methodological Seminar of the...
05.06.2014 21:10
On June, 1 the sightseeing tour to the greatest castles and fortifications of Lviv region took place. 
05.06.2014 21:04
On May, 30 the instrumental and vocal show “FIRE VOICE!” took place at Lviv State University of Life Safety. 22 contestants performed at the show....
02.06.2014 20:01


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