The "Athletic games" at the University on December 8, 2013 were held between the teams oftraining units of the first and third year cadets of the Firefighting and Industrial Safety Institute, Humanities...
Новини університету
On November 28-29, 2013 on the base of psychological-training range of Educational fire-rescue department of the University the demonstrative classes were held for 150 pupils of first degree Lviv specialized regular...
11.12.2013 22:07
Due to the day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine an inter...
10.12.2013 23:36
During November 20-24, 2013 in Tyumen city (Russia) the World Championship of kettlebell lifting was held. Ukrainian team won second place on the podium of the competition. Dmytro Vorobey, a master of second year...
10.12.2013 20:50
On November 29, 2013 two thesis defences for obtaining academic degree of candidate of engineering sciences 21.06.02 – Fire Safety took place in Lviv State University of Life Safety in a panel session of...
10.12.2013 20:46
Cadets and students of Lviv State University of Life Safety participated in the national wide campaign "Light a Candle" as part of activities dedicated to the Commemoration Day of the Victims of Holodomor.
... 02.12.2013 22:55
The event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Famine in Ukraine was held in the university...
02.12.2013 22:45
Lviv State University of Life Safety was visited by professor Z. Yegingil (Turkey) and professor S. Ubizskyi (Ukraine) who realize investigative project «New dosimetry for establishing care assistance sequence for...
27.11.2013 22:25
On 7 November in premises of Vinnytsya National Technical University the cadets of Higher Technical school of Lviv State University of Life Safety took part in roundtable of the coordination and consultative...
27.11.2013 17:09
Approximately 1000 young boys and girls with their parents visited Lviv State University of Life Safety and acquainted with conditions of entrance and studying.
27.11.2013 17:02