Українська Англійська



Scientific conferences are events aimed at collective discussion by experts of current problems and issues, certain practical, scientific-methodical and scientific-technical results, exchange of experience of scientific-practical, research, scientific-methodical and scientific-technical activities, etc. The results of such a discussion are usually reflected in the proceedings of scientific conferences, decisions and recommendations of conferences.
The main scientific conferences at LSU LS are held following the Plan of scientific and scientific-technical activity of LSU LS, which is annually formed by the department of research activities based on proposals of educational and scientific institutes, approved by the rector, approved by the Deputy Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is part of the Plan of scientific and scientific-technical activity of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.


Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post