About the Institute

Institute of firefighting and indistrial safety
One of main tasks of educational-scientific institute of fire and technogenic safety (farther is Institute) there are studies and systematic perfection of the purchased knowledge, that assists our graduating students to get a deserving place among the young specialists of Government service of Ukraine from emergencies.
During studies Institute prepares future specialists to realization of urgent works from liquidation of consequences of emergencies and organization of life-support of the injured population, and also to the decision of organizational, requirement, engineering specifications with providing of fire safety, determination of degree of fire hazard of technological processes by calculation methods, developments of engineering decisions from defence of equipment, building and houses, realization of examination of project-estimate documentation, realization of control after implementation of rules fire and technogenic safety.
The institute consists of six departments:
- Department of Law and Management in the field of civil protection
- Special Rescue Training and Physical Education Department
- Department of fire tactics and emergency rescue operations
- The Department of vehicle operation and fire-rescue techniques
- Department of supervision-preventive activity and fire automatics
- Department of physics and chemistry of Combustion
The main structural component of the institute consists of structural and drill units. They are:
• first and fourh year:
- regimental commander lieutenant colonel of civil protection Vitaliy HODIY;
- vice regimental commander captain of civil protection Volodymyr SYDIR;
- vice regimental commander captain of civil protection Ivan HERELEY;
- commander of instructional regiment lieutenant of civil protection Ostap PANYLYK
• second and third year:
- regimental commander lieutenant colonel of civil protection Bohdan BOYCHUK;
- vice regimental commander major of civil protection Serhii DEMA;
- vice regimental commander captain of civil protection Maksym OLEKSIYENKO;
- vice regimental commander first lieutenant of civil protection Roman OLIYNYK
An educational process in Institute is provided by over 50 scientifically-pedagogical workers, from them there are 42 doctors, candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors.
At Institute a scientific seminar operates the "Theoretical and practical problems of providing of technogenic and fire safety of objects", the chairman of that is a professor, doctor of engineering sciences Kovalyshyn Vasyl Vasyl. On seminars there are results of research works and dissertation researches of scientifically-pedagogical personnel after different subjects, in particular:
- Development of scientific bases for the prevention and elimination of fires at coal mining enterprises.
- Scientific basis for improving fire safety of thermal insulation systems of exterior walls of buildings.
- Ways to increase the resistance of concrete to high temperatures.
- Ways to increase the fire resistance of metal building structures.
- Increase of fire resistance of building enclosing structures by application of vermiculite-silicate slabs.
- Investigate the causes of fires from power grid regimes and develop recommendations to prevent them.
- Development and research of characteristics of fire detectors.
- Autonomous power supplies in fire control systems.
- Improving the efficiency of use of fire-fighting foams.
- Development of methods of carrying out of emergency works of gas-smoke protectors in the limited space.
- Toxicity testing of combustion products.
- Development of legal support in the field of fire safety and civil protection.
Various groups work of that is sent to developing creative flairs and increase of level of executive lines of pupils function at Institute. An important role cultural and mass life of Institute is played by dancing collectives, groups of the church and choral singing, vocally-instrumental ensemble. Also students participate actively in the competitions of artistic independent action, festive concerts and different cultural and mass measures that is conducted in University and after his limits. It costs to notice, that for 9 of existence of Institute, students always occupied prize places in the traditional annual competitions of artistic independent action.

By joint efforts workers and pupils in our Institute are created favourable environment, where students and students can demonstrate the talent, freely to express opinions and wishes, discuss problems, share the impressions and dreams.
Additionally, the institute organizes guided tours to historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine, meetings with prominent men of culture, fire service veterans and poetry soirees. The cadets of the institute conduct career guidance work at schools and organize Young Firefighter Squads.
One of the main priorities of the institute is popularizing different kinds of sports. It goes without saying that the sport and entertainment work is not ignored, as it is one of the main factors of of identity formation and development. The cadets attend sections on firefighting, officer triathlon, sambo, boxing, firearms, track and field, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, fight hop, powerlifting and kettlebell sports. Our cadets are repeat winners of both national and international competitions. The athletic pride of the Institute is: 3rd year cadet Skrypnyk Yaroslav - master of canoe and canoe sport, repeated champion and winner of Ukrainian Championships and Cups, as well as international competitions; 3rd year student Mnykh Marian-Maria is a member of the national rugby team of Ukraine, a repeated champion and prize-winner of the Championships and Cups of Ukraine, as well as international competitions.
An institute actively supports and encourages talented and purposeful students and students. The high achievers of studies get nominal grants, bonuses and corresponding rewards are given the winners of competitions, student olympiads, authors of the best advanced studies, participants of allukrainian and international conferences. The best students traditionally pass internship at Krakiv school of graduate students (Republic of Poland) or participate in different international projects from safety of man.