Academic Council
Regulations of the Academic Council of
Lviv State University of Life Safety
1. Generalities
1.1. Academic Council of Lviv State University of Life Safety (Academic Council) is higher collegial board of the University and is formed up to 5 years.
1.2. The composition of the Academic Council include for the post: provosts, heads of institutions, deans of faculties, scientific secretary, head of the library, head of financial-economic department, leading scientists in the field of fire safety and civil protection, heads of institutions of self-government and also elected representatives who represent pedagogical workers from among university chiefs (heads) of departments, professors, doctors, professors and other employees who work in it on a regular basis, heads of cadets’ and students’ self-government. It is not less than 75 percent of the total number of its members should be scientific and pedagogical staff of the University and not less than 10 percent should be representatives who are elected from among persons who study in the university.
Personal structure of the Academic Council is approved by order of Rector of University.
1.3. Head of the Academic Council is the Rector; deputy chiefs are the first provost on educational and methodical work and provost from research work.
1.4. Member of the Academic Council may be removed from the Academic Council by the decision of the Council for the shortcomings in the organization of work, poor moral and psychological state of the team, passes three meetings during the academic year without a valid excuse or revoked at the request of 2/3 of the members of the team, direct head of which he is.
2. The main tasks of the Academic Council
2.1. According to the Law of Ukraine "About Higher Education", University Statute and this Statute, decisions are made, make recommendations of university administration, to promote the development of priorities of the educational establishment, association of collective efforts to enforce the laws of Ukraine, decrees, orders of the President of Ukraine, resolutions and other acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other normative documents on educational, methodical, scientific and research, personnel activities, in satisfaction and protection of professional and social interests of the team, of its public activity, participate in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of civil protection.
2.2. Consideration of the results of teaching, educational and research work, conducting practical training and period of trainee, students’ and cadets’ graduation, completing the first course and consequences of inspections of the educational process, inspection, licensing, certification and accreditation of university, scientific and pedagogical assessment of structural units.
2.3. Making content expertise of specialist training in different qualification levels for certain professional direction, directions (specialties), making suggestions for its improvement.
2.4. Determining the ability of university departments to carry out training, retraining and advanced training of specialists of particular direction (specialty) at the level of state requirements (standards of education).
2.5. Reviewal the activities and mechanisms of implementation of new educational technologies and educational activities in general.
2.6. Working out proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of institutions, faculties, educational, research departments of the university, opening, closing certain professions and specializations, changing the license dial plan and projects of regulations on structural departments of the university.
2.7. Approval of proposals on establishment, reorganization or liquidation of departments, laboratories, sections, polygons.
2.8. Discussion the questions of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for departments of SES of Ukraine.
2.9. Examination, recommendation for publication of scientific papers, manuals, training aids for the stated directions (specialties) and educational levels of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists.
2.10. Consideration of the recommendations and proposals of methodical council on educational and methodical work.
2.11. Consideration of the recommendations and proposals of scientific and technical council on scientific and research work
2.12. Consideration of the recommendations and proposals of the editorial and advisory council on publishing activities.
3. The rights and obligations of the Academic Council
Academic Council in accordance with its tasks:
3.1. Considers the issues of the commission and dismissal of the head of the library, provosts, heads of institutions, heads, deputy chiefs of departments, professors and researchers.
3.2. Assigns academic degrees of professor, associate professors and senior researchers.
3.3. Decides on petitions for assignments of degrees of full members and Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, branch academies, honorary academic degrees, state prizes and other forms of moral and material promotions.
3.4. Approves the provision on the degree of Honorary Doctor of the University and instates this degree.
3.5. Makes a decision on the establishment of scientific associations of university and evaluates their activities.
3.6. Defines the candidates on setting of nominative scholarships.
3.7. Propose the research works fin participation in competitions, and provides a leave for creative work to complete the dissertation research, hears the reports from research workers and lectures, who were left for creative work, the results of work on dissertations.
3.8. Creates a commission to study and prepare certain issues, carries out examination of materials that are submitted to the Academic Council.
3.9. Declares and conducts the competitions for positions offset of scientific and pedagogical staff and other employees who are subject to the provisions for competitive appointment.
3.10. Monitors the performance of education standards.
3.11. Adopts:
• annual plans of the work of the university and plans of research activities;
• accounts valuation for the maintenance of the university;
• hears reports on the implementation of the budget;
• Reports on the activities of higher establishment of education, educational and vocational programs, curricula, training programs, publication of manuals and training aids, scientific and technical literature, the most important methodological documentation for the learning process;
• list and amount of optional subjects and courses and its programs;
• The drafts of regulations for improving the educational process and the increasing the quality of audience (cadets, students);
• plans and results of basic researches, themes of thesis for a Doctor's degree and Ph.D. thesis;
• scientific reports of lectures who are working on PhD (doctoral) dissertation;
• Candidates for admission to adjuncture (postgraduate study) from among graduates and approves work plans of adjutants (graduate students).
3 .12. The Academic Council has a right to:
• direct to departments of the university the experts for examination on educational work and work with the staff;
• involve in the established procedure for the examination of the educational activities of the university leading experts of the specialized higher education institutions, specialists of research laboratories, representatives of the civil protection departments;
• return to reporters and experts for revision their submitted materials;
• direct where appropriate, their representatives to meetings of the Academic Councils, State departmental examination boards of higher education institutions, to representation in the administration of education in matters concerning the improvement of higher education content, organization of educational activities in higher education, and including departmental education;
• receive the documentation, information on the organization of their activities during the examination from university departments;
• if it is necessary, invite to the meeting of Academic Council lecturers and colleagues of the university.
4. Organization of work
4.1. The Academic Council operates on the principles of collegiality.
4.2. At the meetings of the Academic Council, Rector or the person who performs his duties presides.
4.3. The Academic Council shall meet at least once a month. To make a decision of urgent issues, extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council may be convened on the initiative of Rector or university administration.
4.4. The issues at meetings of the Academic Council is considered according to the work plan. The draft agenda of each meeting of the Academic Council is made by secretariat that is based on materials that are planned for consideration. Proposals for the work plan of the next meeting have the right to make rector, provosts, heads of faculties, departments, members of the Academic Council.
4.5. The questions of the status of implementation of decisions taken at previous meetings are considered in a separate meeting of the Academic Council.
4.6. On behalf of the Chairman of the Academic Council, preparing materials for consideration of specific issues at meetings of the Academic Council provide provosts and heads of relevant departments, together with the secretariat of the Academic Council (if it is necessary, with departments, sections and services).
4.7. Leaders, who prepare materials for the meeting of the Academic Council, are responsible for a thorough examination of the actual state of affairs on the issue to be discussed, and the development of specific proposals to eliminate shortcomings.
4.8. From each questions submitted for discussion of the Academic Council is preparing written information and design solutions. The conclusions of official inspection may be added to them. The information briefly describes the problem, indicates the shortcomings, their causes, the status of implementation of previous decisions.
4.9. The draft of decision should include assessment of the departments and their leaders on the issue being discussed and concrete measures for implementation of the timetable, performers and individuals who are responsible for ensuring control.
4.10. In the draft of decision of the Academic Council about progress of the implementation of previous decisions in case of nonfulfillment of instructions that are contained in them, the causes of failure are indicated, the persons who blame in this, proposals for the application to them in due course of influence measures and new deadlines of assignments (tasks).
4.11. The decisions of the Academic Council shall take effect from the date of adoption, unless it is proven otherwise term of the introduction of such acts or their individual points of action, and it is provided the secretariat performers.
4.12. At the meeting of the Academic Council transcript and minute are conducted, design of which relies on the secretariat of the Academic Council. Its chairman and secretary sign minutes of the Academic Council. Solution or extract from the minutes is provided to performers and managers of concerned departments.
4.13. Responsibility for the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council relies on provosts for activities and the persons referred to in the decisions. Control over the execution of orders of the head, which are given at the meetings, registration and storage of minutes are provided by the secretariat of the Academic Council.
4.14. The decision of the Academic Council is eligible if the meeting was attended by at least two thirds of its members. The decision of the Academic Council is considered positive if it is secretly voted at least three quarters of the members of the board who took part in the meeting. Materials of the Academic Council are issued minutes that are stored as archival documents.
4.15. Presiding at the meeting of the Academic Council:
• opens, closes and impartially carries out the meetings, announces a break in meetings of the Academic Council;
• delivers a draft decision;
• organizes consideration of issues;
• gives the floor to the report (co-report), speech, announces the next speaker, follows the regulations;
• makes official announcements, and those which he considers it is necessary to declare.
4.16. Secretary of the Academic Council in his work is guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" University Statute, the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, departmental regulations and these Regulations, subjects to the head of the Academic Council, has the following functional responsibilities:
• According to the plan, participates in organizational maintenance of collegial discussion and resolution of basic problems of educational, scientific activities of the university, provides meetings of the Academic Council, vises and finalizes its decision;
• introduces the Academic Council agreed proposals for candidates for awarding scientific degrees, provides technical assistance to applicants in the preparation and designs of benchmark cases and sends them to the MES of Ukraine;
• provides organizational review of the examination of current issues of life of higher educational institution that can not be resolved in working order and are required the prompt collective discussion;
• is responsible for drawing up perspective and timetables of the Academic Council, develop the proposals for the work plan of the Academic Council, meeting agenda and draft of resolutions of the Council;
• participates in organization of the University interaction with other educational institutions of Ukraine;
• within competence in its areas, makes working relationship with relevant departments and offices of SES and MES of Ukraine;
• organizes and supervises the execution of the Academic Council, keeping its documentation and registration materials;
• prepares proposals to the draft regulations instructions regarding to educational, teaching and research activities within his competence,;
• performs the functions of the executive board of the Academic Council;
• takes issues from secretaries of technical, scientific, technical and editorial senates of the University to Academic Council
4.17. The work of the Academic Council leads by the official language. If the speaker does not know the state language, it has the right to speak another language. The decision of the Academic Council on any issue is adopted at its meeting after the discussion. At the meeting the agenda and work order are reviewed and approved. The time that provided for the report can not exceed 20 min., coreports - 10 min. and the final word - 5 min. Those who act during a discussion are given time up to 5 min., for repeat performances - up to 2 minutes.
5. The procedure for preparation and holding the Academic Council meetings
5.1. The meetings of the Academic Council were convened by the head of the Academic Council. The Council Secretariat provides preparation of materials.
5.2. The issues at meetings of the Academic Council are considered according to the work plan that is approved by the head of the Council on the current educational year (semester) and if they are included in addition, they will ne approved by the Academic Council during the meeting.
5.3. The draft agenda of each regular meeting of the Academic Council makes the secretariat of the Academic Council on the basis of materials that are prepared and issued in accordance with this Regulation, no later than 10 days before the Academic Council meeting. Secretary of the Academic Council approves the agenda with the Head of the Council.
5.4. All members of the Academic Council and invited people to the meeting should review the agenda and related material in the secretariat of the Academic Council.
5.5. Academic Council Secretariat informs members of the Academic Council and invited people about the date and time of the Academic Council meeting for five days before it is held.