Department of educational and psychological support and the humanities and social studies

Morale Building, Social and Humanitarian Activities at Lviv State University of Life Safety is an integral part of effective learning process, made to ensure the full development of the individual and contribute highly qualified specialists to training. The University has established and efficient system of social and humanitarian activities, which is a synthesis of fruitful cooperation between faculties, departments. curators, teaching stuff of all levels and Cadets and Students Self-government Council. .
Department of Morale Building, Social and Humanitarian Activities was established to improve the organization of educational work with cadets and students and improve methodical maintenance of educational process.
Organization, management, coordination and control over educational and social issues, public-political, cultural and educational activities, interaction with community and youth organizations, conservation and enhancement of the glorious traditions of the University is performed by the head of the Department Colonel Vasil Kreschyshyn.