Українська Англійська

Educational - methodical center

The Educational-methodological Center is an independent structural unit of the University, which performs the functions of the Rectorate for managing the educational process at the University, providing the planning, organization and management of the University's educational activities, controls the quality and efficiency of the educational process, keeps records and reports on the issues of educational work. educational work at the university.
The Educational and Methodological Center coordinates the work of educational and scientific institutes and departments of planning, organization and methodological support of the educational process at the level of modern requirements. In its activity the educational department is guided by the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education" and other legislative and regulatory acts, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding higher education, the Charter of the University and the orders of the Rector.

Head of the center


Colonel of the Civil Protection Service

 тел. +38(032)233-14-77



Head of IT and technical information security 
Volodymyr DEMCHYNA 
Lieutenant Colonel of the Civil Protection Service
tel. +38(032) 255-63-50
Head of the Internal Education Quality assurance Department 
Yuliia POPIL 
Head of Education Planning Sector
Volodymyr LEBIHA
Lieutenant Colonel of the Civil Protection Service

Contact information:

Our address: 35, Kleparivska St., Lviv

Our telephones:

теl. (032) 233-32-40 – man on duty in University

теl./fax (032) 233-00-88 – office

Our e-mail:

[email protected]

University Post